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Over the next few weeks Ginny and Lyra kept visiting the Room Of Requirment to go back to the beautiful library. Ginny loved spending time with Lyra. It was something she looked forward to. Even more so than her time with Dean, or any of her friends. A couple people noticed how happy Ginny was, but all just thought it was because of Dean. 

No one was really suspicious of Lyra because no one really cared about the girl. Well besides Draco who was using the room of requirment when Lyra and Ginny weren't. Lyra had sometimes helped out Draco, but now she was spending most of her time with Ginny. Her new friend. She never had friends before so didn't know how to take her feelings. Since she was feeling weirdly protective of the girl, and really hated when she would go off and spend time with Dean.

Now the two girls were in the Room Of Requirment when Ginny proposed the idea that Lyra should practice her patronus.

"That sounds like an amazing idea." Lyra said thoughtfully. Ginny stood up and pulled Lyra out of her seat. "I wonder what it would be."

"Maybe a ferret." Ginny said remembering two years ago when her brother was transformed into a ferret.

"Hah! No that would be Draco not me." Lyra said playfully and Ginny smiled.

"So-er yeah! I got it." Ginny said looking determined at her wand. "You have to think of your happiest memory okay?"

"Hold on I need to find one." Lyra said searching for one that popped out. There were many of her and Draco that made her happy but knew it wasn't her happiest. She knew her worst memory by heart. The Dark Mark. It tainted most of her memories.

Then she found that memory.

That time Ginny had hugged her after they hung out. Lyra hadn't really felt that kind of affection by anyone before that. It was also the perfect kind of hug where the thought of it just makes you smile.

"You got that memory?" Ginny asked and Lyra nodded.

"I think so." Lyra said and Ginny took a deep breath.

"Now you say expecto patronum." Ginny said and Lyra opened her eyes and smiled at Ginny who blushed and turned away.

"Got it. Expecto patronum." Lyra said waving her wand. Nothing. "Nothing ever happens on the first try anyway." Lyra said before trying it again. And again. And again.

About four tries later silver whisps came out of her wand and Lyra gasped. Ginny kept encouraging her until her 10th try. Thats when Lyra made a full fledged patronus.

a goat came out of Lyra's wand. Ginny produced her own patronus after that and both goat and horse galloped around. Lyra's goat had a lot of similarities to her and it was a pretty nice feeling. To be able to produce her own patronus, and even with the Dark Mark. 

Speaking of that dark mark it burned just at the wrong time. Lyra bit her lip so as to not cry out in pain, because that hurt like a bitch. The goat disapeared and so did Ginny's horse.

"You okay?" Ginny asked and Lyra nodded even though her arm was in a lot of pain. "Are you sure?" Ginny asked walking up to Lyra.

"Y-Yeah." Lyra said finally as the terrible pain stopped but didn't go away. "I'm f-fine."

"Good." Ginny said seriously before smiling. "You actually did it! I'm so proud of you!"

"Thanks." Lyra said shyly.

"It was beautiful too! Oh merline a goat!" Ginny went on about how awesome Lyra's patronus was. 

"Oh-dinner Ginny!" Lyra said looking at the clock that was above the door. Ginny nodded and they grabbed their bags and ran out of their. Lyra very much wished her time with Ginny wasn't ruined by that damn Mark.

"Whats with you?" Draco asked Lyra one day in the Slytherin common room. Lyra gave him a confused look and he sighed. "You've been distracted lately and your smiling more!"

"Is it a crime to smile?" Lyra sassed and Draco raised an eyebrow. "Sorry. How was the-the thing." Lyra asked quietly and Draco shrugged.

"I don't think it worked-I got to get to dinner." Draco said and Lyra nodded. "Aren't you coming?"

"Oh right I still have to eat!" Lyra said shooting right up and running out of the common room.

After a quiet dinner for Lyra she saw Draco running out of the great hall with Harry right behind him so after no thinking at all Lyra followed them.

When she went around the corner she saw Harry going into the boys bathroom so obviously she followed. Dumb idea Lyra.

When she went in both Harry and Draco were in a battle.

"STOP!" Lyra tried yelled walking into the middle, Draco stopped but Harry didn't.

"Sectumsepra!" Harry yelled pointing his wand at Draco, but Lyra knowing that it was a curse stepped in the way and got hit. She fell backwards onto the ground and everything was red.

"What did you do!" Draco yelled at Harry looking down at Lyra worridly.

"I-I don't know!" Harry said looking down at Lyra guiltily.

"Potter." Snape said walking into the bathroom. Harry ran away as Snape looked at Lyra and started fixing her.

"What did he do!" Draco yelled and Snape shook his head. Lyra was brought to the Hospital wing after that.

"What happened?" Ginny asked Harry as he walked into the common room with a pale face. She was talking with Ron and Hermione waiting for Harry.

"Uh-er I may have cursed a Malfoy." Harry said blandly as he sat down.

"He deserved it though. Right?" Ron said and Harry gulped not looking at anyone.

"Her." Harry said quietly and the blood drained from Ginny's face.

"WHAT!" Ginny yelled and Harry looked confused.

"She'll be okay. . .I think." Harry said and Ginny slapped him.

"You should bloody hope so or it's your life pal." Ginny growled before leaving the portrait hole and went to the Hospital wing. She didn't really care if anyone saw her right now. She just needed to make sure Lyra was okay. She couldn't loose the one person who meant literally everything to her.

"You can't come in here Miss Weasley!" Madam Pomfrey said to Ginny.

"Why the fuck not!" Ginny yelled back.

Lyra was still asleep and Draco was sitting next to her as she healed. He felt very guilty at the moment. It should have been him that was hit, not Lyra. Lyra never did anything bad. She was a good person who didn't deserve this.

"Miss Weasley she is resting!" Madam Pomfrey said as Ginny made her way around her and ran towards where Lyra was laying. Draco looked up and back away slightly from Ginny as she looked very scary.

"Is she okay?" Ginny asked Draco.

"Y-Yes. She will be at least." Draco said and Ginny's eyes softened when she looked at Lyra which made Draco's jaw drop. "Potter cursed her."

"I know." Ginny snarled and Draco nodded. "Make sure she stays okay." Ginny said softly but firmly to Draco who nodded as Ginny stormed away.

"You sure do like scary woman." Draco muttered to a sleeping Lyra. "Hope she doesn't break your heart though."

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