Chapter 19

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Julie's pov

I walk into Alex's bedroom and he has his phone facing me. I pick up his phone and I read "Is Julie Molina leaving Julie and the phantoms" I start laughing so hard that tears start streaming down my face. 

"Oh my god, Julie are you ok." Luke asks me while I am silently laughing while crying which looks a lot like a silent cry.

"I- I- I- am fine just read this the media thinks I am leaving the band cause I walked into a recording studio with Calum."  

"Oh ok, and anyway Molina I won't let you leave us yet." Luke says while looking up at me through his eyelashes which causes my face to flush red. 

After the moment of me and the boys laughing at the media, we all decide to head off to bed.

I head upstairs and get into my pajamas, which consist of a cropped tank top and some sweat shorts. I crawl into my warm bed and I try to fall asleep. I toss and turn for hours and I finally wake from the nightmare I was having. 

"Luke, Luke?" I yell into the studio as I plan to tell Luke that I love him. 

"Hello Julie, sorry I had to take lover boy from you but I really do need a lead guitarist."  I hear from behind me.

"Caleb what, what  are you talking about." I ask him wondering where my boys are.

"Well you see I finally won the battle of the bands, or should I say bandmates" Caleb says and shoots me a wink which makes my skin crawl."You won't see them until you" He says while pulling his thumb across his throat.

Caleb vanishes from the room, I am left alone on the cold pavement of the studio.

"Shit, I love him." I whisper to myself

"And I need him to know before he, he, he" I say unable to finish my sentence because the thought was too much to handle.

I get out of my bed and walk down the stairs. I read the clock 4:13. I walk outside of my house making sure I don't wake up my dad. I open the door to the studio and I see Reggie's door open. Shit.

"Reggie" I whisper

"Ummmm" I hear the familiar voice of my best friend.

"Flynn?" I whisper 


"Why are you leaving Reggie's room where you two?" I ask

"NO! I just missed him and if we talk at night no one asks questions." she tells me and I wink at her. "Julie, what are you doing down here?" she says trying to change the subject

"Ummm I didn't see you and you didn't see me I'll explain later ok." I tell her as I make my way to Luke's bedroom.

She gives me a thumbs up and she leaves the studio.

I stand in front of Luke's room pacing back and forth for about five minutes debating on how to tell him I love him.

"Luke, I love you" I try and it just doesn't sound right. My voice is still thick from the lack of sleep I got.

Maybe I'll tell him in the morning. I walk away from his door just as it opens behind me.

"Julie? What are you doing down here" I hear from behind me.

"Ya sorry ummmmmmm, Carlos locked me out of the bathroom upstairs and I- I- I- had to pee." I say obviously lying.

"Is that why you were pacing in front of my door?" Luke asks me seeing right through my lie.

You and I - JUKEWhere stories live. Discover now