chapter twenty nine

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Asami tapped her fingers on the white clothed table harshly, trying to let the chatter and laughters of others near her along with the hushed mood music distract her from her inner thoughts. As much as she wished it was that easy, it didn't seem to work in the slightest.

Her stomach knotted painfully every time she saw a waiter or waitress pass, thinking that there would be someone else following close behind them to her table. There wasn't, at least, not yet. That was a good thing, though. She still had some time. This is what she wanted - needed - before dropping the question. 

Though she had only been sitting at the table by herself for roughly around five or six minutes, Asami felt like hours had only gone by as her patient waiting grew to the nerves screaming and rattling in her head. She thought about getting up and going outside to get some fresh air, only for a little, but then wondered if during her short break to collect herself that Korra would finally arrive. Not a second could be lost once Korra would arrive. 

And then, a just few more seconds passed when she brought herself to look up from the table. A waitress was coming right towards her. She first thought that they would be coming to ask if they were still waiting for someone, but, that someone was just there.

Korra emerged from behind the waitress, looking so beautiful and just so, so happy. Asami's heart leaped out of her chest, and she worried about how exposed it may have looked in that moment as Korra neared her. She slid herself into the booth, and Asami wanted to instantly plant their lips together as a welcoming, but the waitress had other plans.

"Can I start you two off with beverages?"

"I'll just have a water and she'll have a lemonade." Korra paused, thinking idily. "With ice, please." Asami couldn't help but bit her lower lip to hold back a admirable grin.

"Of course." The waitress pulled out two menus from tucked between her torso and arm, placing them neatly in front of the couple. She offered a simple, trained smile. "I'll be back with you in a few minutes. If you have any questions or concerns during your time here, feel free to wave me over anytime."

"Thank you." Asami said, and the waitress was off, dipping past other tables into disappearance. Asami let out a sigh that she wasn't even aware was being kept in. She was about to start speaking when that role was taken from her within the same second. 

"I am so sorry I'm late." Korra started, and Asami immediately wanted to shut her up and rid off her apologies and unnecessary guilt, though she stayed quiet. "First I couldn't find the tie I wanted, then when I found the tie I wanted, it had a hole in it and I was like 'I can't wear this out to a date with Asami!' So I had to look for the second best option, but then my uber guy couldn't take simple fucking directions. I told him exactly which brownstone I'm at but he just couldn't understand, and then," She took a short breath. "He was literally in a different car than the one said on the app, so honestly I thought he was a kidnapper for a second. And my last excuse is that there was some road being blocked off right near this place, so we had to go down some other ones. At one point I was considering just walking but I kne-" 

Asami then leaned in closer to Korra, then put her pointer and middle finger under her chin. That instantly got her girlfriend to stop rambling, as much as she enjoyed it. It was difficult to ignore the pace that her heart had picked up to.

"Uh, h- hey." Korra's breath was already shaky as her pupils twitched then widened, and it made a wave of a certain kind of power wash over Asami at the fact that she made her feel this way so easily. 

She felt like she would possibly melt on the spot if it wasn't for the boost of confidence that Korra's nervousness gave her. It also gave her some sort of familiar ground, knowing that they were both stammering messes when it came to the other. Asami leaned forward once more and let their lips meet and lock all on their own, moving in a simple, familiar rhythm.

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