chapter one

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She arrived to work almost late, which was better than usual though, with only a small window of fourteen minutes exactly to spare before the boss had a fit. Korra considered herself lucky that day. Lucky that she actually woke up to her fourth alarm instead of her seventh, didn't have trouble getting dressed and ready, and the streets weren't too crowded so it was easy to get to the station and on the right train in time. 

Korra stepped into an elevator, nearly going in to press the button that would take her to the eleventh floor, when she heard a very loud and all too familiar laugh echoing its way down the hallway. She poked her head out and quickly recognized her not only co workers but best friends making their way straight for her ride up. 

"Good morning, Korra!" A short, tanned skinned woman with sage green eyes and a bob that settled next to the start of her jaw had shouted at Korra. 

"Opal! Bo!" Korra greeted both of them with the warmest smile she could. 

Her two friends joined her in the elevator, but not even waiting a second to make fun of her almost tardiness. 

"I'm not one to talk I guess, but you should really work on your punction." The man with dark black hair that swooped at the top a little with just as bright as Opal's green eyes made a promising grin to his friend. 

Opal lightly hit him on the back of his head, causing him to quickly rub it with his hands. "Now why would you do that?" 

"You mean punctual. I should work on my punctuation." Korra corrected, finally pressing down on the button to the eleventh floor. "Which I am trying to do, for your information."

The three bantered on for a short while, managing to get around so all of them were playfully mocked for some mistake. It turns out that Opal had forgotten her favorite coffee mug at home that day. Korra and Bolin only found it amusing because of how upset she was over it. Soon enough, with not a moment to spare on Korra's behalf, they made it to their level. The friends all stepped out, parting ways as they each headed to their own personal offices. 

Once Korra got to close her office door, she finally felt able to breathe. 

The calming sensation did not last too long. 

As she began setting things out on her desk and starting up her computer, just getting herself ready for a days work, a knocking sound startled her. She looked up in shock to be met with crazy eyes peering in through the window on her door.

I really should request a blurred window for that door sometime.

Before she could blink again, her door swung open as a proud walking man practically made himself at home in one of the small armchairs that sat in front of her desk.

"Goooood morning to my favorite employe!" The man screamed with stretched arms.

Why is he always yelling? Poor Zhu Li.

"Okay well you made it very clear that I'm not your favorite, Varrick." She winced slightly, remembering all of the times he had thrown extremely backhanded compliments to her face. 

"Oh you're no fun." He sunk himself into the chair, then got easily distracted as his eyes landed on some of the figurines and monument statues that sat on the shelves of Korra's walls. He stood up and let himself take in the artifacts with hands behind his back. Korra looked up him him strangely.

"Is there something you needed, Varrick?" 

"Where did you get these things from, woman? They're incredible! I bet pretty pricey too, look at this stuff!" He picked up the mini figurine of a penguin seal, examining it's art work closely. "I need to know what companies I should be investing in." 

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