chapter thirty one

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As she continued to scroll through her phone, mostly mindlessly, she let out a small puff of air. She was bored, and a bit hungry, but also far too lazy and comfortable to get out of bed. She thought to herself for a moment, letting her lips purse and brows knit subtly. 

"'Sami?!" She yelled into the vent heated air. Korra waited a few seconds to see if she would get a response, and when she was only met with silence, she repeated herself. "Asami!" 

"I'm reading!" Asami finally called back from the living room. The faint chuckle in her voice didn't go unnoticed. 

Korra scrunched her face, wondering to herself how someone could spend so much time with their nose in a book. Asami had been reading for the past few hours. She sat herself on the couch in the living room, hardly even acknowledging Korra ever since. Korra spent the first hour accompanying her in the living room as well, until she grew tired of that and went to the bedroom.

She had honestly, and conceitedly, expected for Asami to protest her departure, but all she got was a simple hum and a head nod. 

"Can you get me a snack?" Korra asked, to no answer once again. She rolled her eyes. "Please!" It came out as a whine. She knew that if Asami could see the pleading pout on her face in that moment, she most likely would have rushed into the kitchen for Korra.

Now, that was barely true, but Korra liked to believe that it was. 

"One moment."

That moment turned into another five, drawn out minutes. Korra sighed in defeat. She hated feeling so lazy, but the bed was far too soft and warm for her to want to move a muscle. She secretly wished that Asami would just lay down next to her. Whether she was still occupying herself with that book or gave Korra her undivided attention - either situations would have been perfectly fine.

Korra tilted her head to face the long window in the room. The curtains were mostly open, that was Asami's doing from earlier in the day. It became a routine of hers that Korra wasn't too fond of, but didn't bother arguing it, anyway.

The weather had been in their favor for the past week that the two had been there. It hadn't snowed yet which was nice, because it would have only piled on to the mountains of it that was already everywhere. It was usually below freezing, though. Korra didn't mind it at all, she actually quite missed the natural cold. Asami was surprisingly adjusting well. She still made sure to dress herself head to toe with appropriate winter clothes, but the amount that she complained about it had gone down.

But Korra couldn't deny how much her love for the cold had grown. She got to see the tip of Asami's nose, ears, and her cheeks always coated in a faded rosy color. Korra would usually kiss those areas, saying that she was doing it to warm Asami up ( though truthfully it was to make her blush even harder. ) Asami cuddled up to Korra every single morning and night for body warmth, somehow coming in closer than before each time. Neither of them complained.

It was everything that Korra had imagined and more.

She let out a dazed sigh at the surrealness of it all. A ringing nose interrupted her thoughts. Korra lifted her phone to her face to check out the caller ID.

"Hey, Opal." She spoke into the phone after answering it and pressing speaker. A relieved feeling washed over her, knowing that her boredom would soon vanish.

"Soooo," Opal greeted with a mischievous tone. "How's the time off going? You've been away for six days, basically an entire week, and you've barely given me any updates."

"Sorry ... I think," Korra chuckled. "But there isn't much to say yet. We've really just been relaxing and getting settled in, and Asami still has to get more used to the weather before we do anything 'big.'"

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