chapter fourteen

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Asami had no reason to care or be so upset, but she did care, and she was upset. She remembered how she felt when that Kuvira girl was all over Korra just the night before; the feeling was unfamiliar and uncomfortable. The way her mind and body tensed up at the sight of Korra being felt up and pleasured by the stranger, she hated it. It disgusted her. She knew it was something along the lines of jealousy, so it also frightened her. 

The heiress hardly spoke for the rest of the night. A few more of Korra's friends came over, and she made decent conversations with everyone easily, as usual, but it was mostly fake. She didn't feel all that well after Bolin had announced that fact about Korra's past. She had no idea that her and Kuvira were involved in some way. As far as she knew, they truly were just old friends through Opal and got carried away at the bar. But now she knows that they have some kind of history, and it didn't sit too right with her.

Plus, Korra never told her about any of it. She never even mentioned Kuvira's name. Of course, this brought a large barrel of anxious thoughts to her mind.

Were they dating, or just hooking up? How long did it last?

Why did it end? Did they have a bad breakup? When was the last time they even saw each other before the club?

Were they anything serious?

Did Korra love her? Did Kuvira love her?

Soon enough, the small get together was over. Korra's friends all left after she opened presents and thanked them, so now it was just the two of them. Alone in Korra's apartment again with the air even thicker than before the guests arrived. When Bolin let out the news, the room they all stood in went silent. She was eager to speak with her friend about the past relationship, but before Korra could respond to her snarky comment, the door was knocked on again. The conversation would have to wait.

So there they were, with their backs laid down on the tan woman's bed, both looking up to the still ceiling fan. Neither of them had spoken since they got there, since neither of them even knew what to say. The quietness was killing Asami, though. She realized that she shouldn't push Korra to talk about it, since she wasn't even obligated to tell her anything in the first place. It just boggled her mind why she cared this much. It was all new and confusing. 

"You don't have to tell me anything, I don't need to know." They spoke in whispered tones.

"But you should, you are my best friend. Nothing bad happened, by the way. Nothing traumatic, I mean. It's not like I'm scared to talk about it, it doesn't bother me. So you can ask any questions you want." 

Her throat burned and then went dry. She figured she should play it safe with the questions, whether Korra was truly comfortable with talking about this or not. "How long were you guys together?"

"We weren't really together, it was just sex." The confession stung Asami momentarily. "But it lasted for like ... two years."

"Two years? And neither of you caught feelings?"

"Well, when we first started I honestly assumed and hoped that we would actually be together, but things never got that far with her. It wouldn't work out, anyways. See, her and Opal are step sisters, and I'm pretty close with their entire family. We both knew that if we made it anything more then it could ruin a lot of dynamics. It was hard to accept at first, but I got used to it and got over it. It was easy having something so casual, and for it to work out well."

That was a lot to take in. "When did it stop?"

"Uh, three months ago, at the end of January." The younger woman's voice went quieter, she seemed embarrassed almost. Asami shifted her body so she laid on her side, and Korra did the same. They faced each other and just stared for a second.

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