chapter nine

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The red car slowed, pulling into a stop in the small and mostly empty parking lot. 

"Where exactly are we?" The raven haired woman looked around the area, still unsure of where her friend had taken her. Korra looked at her from her own seat, slightly laughing at the confusion.

"The woods." The southerner answered briefly. She was met with a glare from green eyes, but of course ignored it. "I told you, I just wanted to go somewhere different for once instead of just my place or some restaurant." 

Asami didn't question her further, and both women unbuckled their seat belts to leave the car. They were dressed in very casual clothing, as Korra had planned. She wore a lighter blue, loose tank top to "let her biceps breathe," heavy sweatpants and sneakers. Asami had put her hair into a high ponytail and settled on wearing a tight, long sleeved shirt, joggers, and sneakers. 

Korra went to the trunk of the vehicle to grab the few items that she had decided to bring; a thin blanket, a picnic basket, and obviously a bottle of wine. 

"You ready?" She perked up once everything they needed were in their hands.

"Is the mystery destination far?" 

"Far? Of course not, you know me. It's a fifteen minute walk at most, and nothing is uphill."

I think.

"Sounds perfect." Asami responded with an excited smile, and so, they headed off. 

Thankfully, the woods weren't as bug filled as they usually were that day, but they definitely had to fan off a few anyways. Korra was surprisingly right about the trail, it was a little rocky but mostly just flat land. They were nearing the secret destination, and Korra could easily tell due to the different kind silence. 

"It's right there!" She began to walk much faster, making Asami stumble a bit behind her as she tried to keep up with the tanned woman. 

"Where is there?" The heiress called out but received no answer. 

They were both now standing a few feet from a wide, long dock that led out into the most still lake either woman had ever seen. The location was beautiful, far more appealing than Korra had thought it would be. The water wasn't blue or crystal clear, but the sun rays still glistened on its surface. 

The blue eyed woman turned around to catch her friend's reaction, it's safe to say that she was nothing less than impressed with herself. 

She's just ... 


Korra admired the way Asami took everything in. The taller woman's head whipped in every direction. She gazed the plants and flowers on the ground, the sun beaming through the trees, the dock and lake that were laid out ahead of her. 

"Korra." Asami had to take another slow spin around, trying to capture it all at once. "It's ... breathtaking. How- how do you even know about this place?" 

Don't scratch your neck, don't scratch your neck.

"Opal may have helped me pick it out. I remember you talking about loving nature or whatever, some stuff like that. So I guess I wanted to give it a try with you." Korra rubbed the back of her neck, refusing eye contact with the engineer. "It was either this or some other place, but it was mostly uphill apparently so that was an immediate no." 

"Well, I love it." Asami walked closer to Korra, much closer. The blue eyed woman felt a large gulp in her throat, it ached her. Before she could say anything, she felt a light touch of lips-

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