chapter ten

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The engineer was speaking with an employee out in the main room. They were discussing promotions since Asami saw that it was fit for them to have one, and she promised she would speak with Varrick about the idea. They continued talking when she turned her head a little to look at the door of a certain someone's office. 

She didn't even notice, but a small smile krept its way onto her face just at the thought of surprising the business woman. 

Asami faced back to the employee. "I'm so sorry to end this short, but I have to meet with someone else in a few minutes. I didn't even realize the time." 

"Oh it's no problem. It was amazing speaking with you, though, truly an honor." They gleamed, shaking Asami's hand rapidly. She grinned with her lips and quickly promised a talk with Varrick, then made her way over to the door she's been eyeing. 

She knocked on it twice, softly, waiting for a response. "Uh, come in!" Was bevelved a little too loudly from the other side. Asami opened the door swiftly, expecting to see her friend sitting at her desk working on something, but she wasn't there. The raven haired woman looked to her right to see Korra crouched down on the floor with a bunch of small objects surrounding her. 

She couldn't help by laugh quietly as she made sure to close the door behind her.

"Korra?" Asami spoke with a head tilt. Her voice seemed to grab the tan woman's attention instantly, but it also startled her for a moment. She looked up to the heiress with her big blue eyes twinkling.

Her eyes are so pretty.

"Asami, hey! I didn't know it was you coming in."

"And if it was anyone else, how would you explain ... this?" Asami waved her hands around the general area of Korra on the floor with the figurines.

"Not sure." She scratched her cheek briefly. "Guess I was lucky it was you then."

"So, what exactly are you doing?" The green eyed woman decided to pull up one of the chairs that sat in front of Korra's desk. She moved it so she could sit next to her friend who was still scooping up the objects on the carpeted floor.

"My statue things fell." She answered with an faultless tone. 

Asami looked up to the wall where the shelves were, but instead of being mounted properly they were each hanging down by one nail. She noticed that one shelf was even on the floor. Asami raised an eyebrow at the flawed details.

"Along with the some of the shelves as well." Korra admitted, slightly embarrassed. 

"I can see that. How though?"

"Hey, I didn't do anything to cause this."

"That's the first." Asami joked, nudging the southerner on the shoulder with her knee. Korra looked up to her with an angry pout, of course.

"Hilarious." She snapped with a glare. "Anyways, they just came apart on their own. I guess I didn't mount them properly or something." 

"Want my help?"

Korra finally cleaned up the remaining figurines from the floor. She walked over to her desk to set them down for the meantime. "Why would you want to fix my stuff? Don't you have important uh, business to take care of?" 

"I'm an engineer, Korra." The CEO stood from her seat and picked up the shelf on the ground. "Putting things together is my strongest suit. I just need some tools, probably." 

"Well thanks then. Speaking of suits ..." Korra was silent for a moment, causing Asami to turn around to see what was up. She saw the younger woman staring at her up and down with a hand rested on her chin. The gaze made Asami's body heat up, she swear she could feel her knees momentarily buckle. 

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