Chapter 15

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Okay, so you probably know there's been some problems with my story (it hasnt exactly been showing up...) so there was a slight delay for the next chapter.

But it's here now so have a celebration!

Also, if you can't get the chapters online, for some reason they're still visible in the wattpad app for, like, iPhones and iPods and stuff.

Yeah. Hopefully this chapter shows up...


The man had a tight grip on my shoulder. We were standing in front of a tree. Or, at least, I thought it was a tree. Things aren't always as they seem.

He pressed a different button that was attached to the tree. This guy is seriously pyscho.

Then, the tree opened. Opened. Yup, it's officially; after getting hit by the car I fell into a coma and this is all some stupid dream.

Turns out the tree isn't actually a tree. It's a secret elevator. I guess the guy has a lot of time on his hands.

We entered the elevator and he pressed the only button inside. I take it there's only one room.

After a short moment in the elevator, the doors opened to reveal a rather scary looking area. All the walls, floor, and the roof were a dark grey rock. There was a door to another room to the right, but I took in the items in this main room for starters.

So, there was some small couches situated around a round coffee table. To my left there was Some wooden counters, a mini fridge and a very ancient looking stove.

But what I was mainly focusing on, was directly in front of me. There was a prison-like cell, with a harsh light shining above it. Allison was inside.

God, she looked terrible. Her red hair was a mess, and she looked way more skinny then she normally is. Allison look so frail, and fragile.

She lifted her head a little, and spotted me. "Caleb?"

"Allison." I smiled and tried to step forward, but the stupid guy behind me held me in place.

"Dude, just let me talk to her," I tried.

The man's face hardened. I waited for what seemed like hours before he finally let go of my shoulder.

I got to Allison's cell and knelt down, grasping the bars. "Allison... Are you okay?"

She smiled very faintly. "Never better."

I lowered my voice. "I'm going to get you out of here, okay? I promise."

Allison locked gazes with me. I wasn't able to look away.

"Thank you, Caleb," she whispered. I nodded, standing back up.

I slowly made my way over to the guy again. He motioned towards one of the chairs in the room. I obeyed by sitting down, careful not to put my hands on the armrests. For all I knew, there might be those creepy old fashioned braces that locked around your wrists built into the chair.

"Come on, get comfortable, make yourself at home. Put your arms on the arm rests..." the guy told me.

I frowned. "Dude, you suck at being nonchalant. I'm not putting my arms on-"

"Put your arms on the arm rests!"


"Fine, whatever then," The guy grumbled.

To brighten the mood even more, the guy pulled out a small, silver pistol.

And pointed it right at Allison's face.

***Page Break 13S-AB/13S-AB/13S-AB Page Break***

*Allison's p0v*

So... Caleb came. My heart instantly sped up when I saw him walk in.

Expect right now, my heart was only beating at a fast pace because the man was pointing a gun at me. Again.

Caleb promised he would get me out of here. I hope he's good at keeping promises.

I met Caleb's eyes. He seemed so worried and scared - definitely a new look for Caleb Marsh.

The man had his pressed locked around the trigger, ready to pull. C'mon Caleb...

Then it seemed to happen in slow motion; Caleb leaped up and kicked the man with his boot.

The guy yelled with rage and pain.

He didn't even aim. He just shot.

A loud, ringing noise erupted in the room, and I was met with a sharp pain in my right shoulder.


Yeah. Cliffhanger. XD

~ Emily(:

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