Chapter 14

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I'm putting the finishing touches on my makeup when the doorbell rings.

Weird. Since when does Jordan ring the doorbell?

I yell, "Come in."

My heart skips a beat when Chase walks through my door, looking as suave as ever in his tight jeans and flannel button down. My mouth was actually watering.

"Sorry..." he said, looking around. "Jordan couldn't make it and asked me to get you instead. I couldn't exactly tell him you didn't want to see me."

"Hey," I finally spoke, moving closer to him. "I always want to see you. I rushed over to tell you that... never mind, that's not important. The point is that I know things are complicated. I'm sorry for leaving the way I did but I can't be around the two of you, Chase. I can't see you with her.

"I had every intention on talking to Ethan that night, Scar. I was going to tell him everything but Kelsey was there and she sorta sprang something on me—"

"It's okay. I can't stay mad at you, especially when you look this damn hot."

A sexy grin appeared in his face and he licked his lips. "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah." I fisted my hands into his shirt. "I don't care about anybody else, okay? I want to be with you, no matter how pissed off anybody else gets."

Within seconds, his lips pressed onto mine, soft and sweet. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he scooped me up and walked to my bedroom, kicking the door closed behind him.

As soon as my feet touched the floor I got to work. I was unbuttoning his shirt while he gently sucked on my neck, hopefully not leaving too big a mark.

His shirt fell to the floor, leaving this incredibly sculpted man standing in front of me. I ran my hand down his chest until I hit the top of his jeans. His big hands cupped my face while he stared in my eyes. I made quick work of his jeans and he stepped out of them, taking his boxers down as well.

He licked my bottom lip and I opened my mouth, letting his tongue find its way to mine. He broke free and bent down, slowly raising my dress up until it was over my head and on the floor.

"I can't get enough of you," he whispered as he kissed down my neck. "Let me make love to you."

Butterflies took flight as soon as the words make love left his mouth. We'd been together twice before but making love wasn't how I would describe how it went down.

I stepped away and walked backward to my bed, my eyes never leaving his as he followed me.

"You mean everything to me, Scar. Let me prove it to you."


Her gaze dropped to my lips and she nodded, climbing backward on her bed and lying down on her back.

Sinking deep inside of her this way was a new high. Watching her face as I plunged in and out of her was magical. It was slow and sexy, nothing was rushed. All of our feelings that had been held inside all of these years were being let out. We weren't fucking or screwing, we were making love in every sense of the word. I loved her so much.

I knew she could feel how much I loved her and I sure as fuck knew she loved me. She had to. In this moment, it was only the two of us.

Her hands found their way to my ass as she pushed me even deeper inside of her, her moans filled the room as I continued to gently thrust in and out. Slow and steady.

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