Chapter 13

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After Cory left, I cried on Grace's shoulder for a while. I needed to cry and let all of my feelings out with somebody who knew what was going on. Somebody that I trusted to give it to me straight. She was known for telling me what I needed to hear instead of only the things she knew I wanted to hear.

Grace was that person for me. My best friend, biggest supporter, and wing woman. She gave me the facts and let me make me own decision afterward, no questions. No judgement. I was lucky. Everybody needed a Grace.

"Tell me what you're thinking," I quietly said to Grace.


I nodded, wiping away fresh tears.

"My opinion doesn't matter here, babe. What is your heart telling you?"

I sniffled as I took her question in.

The truth was, Chase had always had my heart. My heart wasn't only telling me, it was screaming at me. I knew I wanted him. I needed him. I wanted a thousand lifetimes with him. I wanted to wake up with those sexy arms around me every morning. I needed that sweet kiss he always gave me on the back of my neck.

"I love him, Grace."

"Go get your man then," she said, pretending to fan herself.

I giggled and jumped up from the couch, padding to the bathroom to check my appearance.

"Yikes," I said as I combed my fingers through my hair.

"Throw that shit in a bun and go!" She yelled from the living room.

I did just that. With my hair in a messy bun and smudged mascara that I couldn't quite fix, I grabbed my purse and ran to my car, dialing Chase's number as I started the engine.

Pick up, Pick up.


I felt all the air in my lungs leave my body all at once.

What the fuck did she just say?

I start to say just that but the words died on my lips. Leah and Ethan are both watching us and Kelsey's eyes were glued to me, waiting for my reaction.

I clear my throat and gesture toward the bedroom. "Can we talk in private?"

"Of course," she replied.

She followed me into the bedroom and closed the door behind her. "I know this wasn't planned..."

"Obviously. What the hell, Kelsey? We've never been together without a condom and I thought you were on the pill?" I ran my hands over my face.

Before she could say anything I added, "We haven't had sex in weeks."

"I-I don't know. I think I'm 8 or 9 weeks along. I know we didn't plan this but I thought you'd be happy."

"Be happy?" My eyes went wide as I said it. "When have we ever talked about having kids? Jesus, Kelsey. This is a big fucking deal."

Silence filled the room and I walked to the bed. I sat down and put my head in my hands. "This can't be happening."

"Chase, I love you and—"

"I don't love you, Kels." I stood up and grabbed her face with my hands. "I'm sorry... I know this is a fucked up way of telling you that but—"

She stepped away from my grasp, shaking her head. "Don't say that. We've been going through something, yes, but we can get back to where we were. Do you really want your kid growing up in two different houses?"

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