Chapter 25

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When the next day started the festival really began.

The tournament which took place starting with the Teams of 4, started off with RJEY: Ruby, Jonathan, Eric, and Yang.


FNKI= Flynt, Neon, Kobalt, and Ivori.

These four resided in Atlas and attended Atlas Academy.

They gave RJEY a hard time and even were able to eliminate Ruby and Yang.

Who had their KI's unlocked mind that.

This showed how powerful FNKI were.

However because Eric and Jonathan worked well as a team they were able to use their genjutsu techniques on FNKI and Win.

The next team was Team EWBC= Ed Weiss Blake and Cody.


NDGO= Nebula Violette-Dew gayl- Gewn Darcy- and Octavia ember.

They came from Shade Academy.

Which was in Mistral.

Which was also a place where this team would encounter a tribe that went by the name: the Branwen tribe.

A group of deadly assassins and criminals that had access to getting dust crystals and did it without getting caught or arrested by the trained police and Atlas soldiers that were dispact in Mistral.


Cody who was now 15 at this point, was nervous.

And how would he not be?

He wasn't as skilled as his brothers were.

But he was getting there.

One unique trait that Cody had was the ability to combine attacks together and create new ones.

It seemed like a lack but in secret it was a gift.

The harder your attack is.

The more damage it will cause on your opponent.

He looked over at the other side of the arena and saw the girl team.

Nebula, the leader, winked at Cody.

Blowing the Saiyan Hybrid a kiss.

Cody squeaked out:....Hello.

Ed: What's wrong?

Cody: She winked at me. And then she blew me a kiss.

Blake: She did what? She better watch herself. You're my man. And no one is taking you away from me.

Ed: Easy there no need to go all yandere on someone. We knew for a while that Cody would be yours.

Blake: True. But then there are some that don't know. And if I have to let them know that Codyis mine then I will. And I will let them know the HARD way.

Ed gulped: 'She's scarier than mom. How is that possible?'


When Port announced their names, they entered the ring.

Now facing each other, Gwen gave a wave to Ed, which pissed off Weiss.

And Nebula, their leader, started to strike a conversation with Cody.

Nebula: Hi Handsome.

Cody: Hello.

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