Chapter 12

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On planet Namek meanwhile-Tommy was able to find Dende and get him to the ship that he and the Z-fighters arrived in.

He was in his base form-and had a look on his face that showed utter defeat.

Without the dragon balls on Namek- and almost 95% of the Namekians killed- it had seemed to be pointless.

On top of that-King Cold and Cooler were on their way to earth.

And God knows what they had planned for it and the inhabitants.

Hopefully they could make it in the same time it took to get there.

Which was around a few weeks to a month.

Tommy cursed himself for not trying to find a yadrat who had passed on to the afterlife.

At least that way he could use instant Transmission-

Wait-That's it! Instant transmission! If Will could use that-then there was a chance for them to get to earth faster than on the ship. The problem was- if the ship had autopilot so it could land safely.

Turns out it did.

And was on autopilot since they left Namek.


Piccolo saw the look on Tommy's face and said: Goku-what are you thinking about?

Tommy: Call me crazy-but I think I got an idea for us to get to earth faster-It's a technique called Instant transmission. It'll get us there faster seeing that we may not have enough time. Or if Cooler and king cold made it to earth first and started their reign of terror.

Krillin: Instant Trans-what?

Yamcha: You got me Krillin. If it deals with nano-second speed-which I am assuming-then let's give it a shot.

Piccolo: And after Cooler and King Cold are dealt with-what about Dende?

Now Piccolo had fused with Nail in order to help with the Frieza dilemma. But when he felt how powerful Frieza was, he knew that he and nail had fused for nothing. However-with this power that could be increased- it could be used for other threats that were worse than Frieza.

Tommy sighed and explained to Piccolo that Dende needed to become the guardian of the universe.

But for that to happen-Kami needed to either die- or merge with Piccolo.

Now Piccolo-hated that Tommy would even consider that.

Him-merge with Kami again?

Not a chance.

Why would Kami need to merge with-wait- that's why: Once Kami and Piccolo emerge-then the two would become one.

Because if Kami died-he died. Their life lines were intertwined.

So Piccolo sighed and knew that he had no choice but to fuse with Kami so that Dende would become the new guardian.

But Vegeta-who was revived- wondered why Tommy wanted Dende to become the new guardian of the earth.

Well- Tommy explained that once Dende becomes the new guardian-that the dragon balls would be restored- and not only that but the dragon would be able to grant more than one wish.

Maybe 3-which would help.

And think of the pros of having 2-3 wishes.

The Namekians that Frieza killed along with Gohan would be restored and brought to earth.

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