Chapter 10

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In the Canon storyline, Frieza was only able to tap into 3 forms and then had a hundred percent final form that could not topple.

But in this alternate universe, Tommy, Gohan, and Vegeta saw that Frieza had a 4th form.

And to their horror, it was beyond anything They had imagined.

Now bear in mind because Tommy is from our world in a sense, he did see a movie that dealt with the 4th form.

But that was in Cooler's Revenge.

And that was another problem.

Did Frieza's brother exist in this world?

And if he did, how dangerous was he compared to Frieza?

Did Tommy realize that this was an alternate timeline?

An alternate universe?

Or was the actual Canon universe?

He didn't know.

What he did know was that Vegeta and Gohan and himself were going to have their hands full in dealing with Frieza.

In his fourth form.

At least Tommy could sense that things were looking up for Piccolo and the others against the Ginyu force.

But he knew that things were not going to end well for him.

Or Vegeta.

Or Gohan.

And he was right.


Frieza wasted no time in taking on a wounded Vegeta, Goku, and even young Gohan.

Who was at full power.

All 3 of them were at their full power.

But it didn't matter to Frieza.

Who was laying down the law and an ass whooping that would be told throughout the universes many years from now.

Every tactic, punch, Kick, technique, wanna know what it did to Frieza?


Yeah it was looking PRETTY bleak for the Super Saiyan Trio.


Tommy Vegeta and Gohan were huffing and puffing.

Frieza looked as though he didn't break a sweat.

Frieza: So this is the power of the legendary Super Saiyan. What a Joke! I was expecting something more bestial than this.

Tommy and Gohan looked at each other and nodded.

Tommy and Gohan: SUPER KAIOKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In a flash, a red aura engulfed their gold one and fused together.

Both Father and Son thrusted it all the way to times 5.

Now granted, this kind of tactic should have killed them on the spot.

However because of their training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, they were able to harness the technique and use it as a final trump card.

A stop puller if you will.

Super Saiyan Vegeta was shuddering by the power he was sensing from the father and son.

Maybe they had a chance against Frieza after all.

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