Chapter 3

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"One year...." Piccolo said.

He and Tommy were seen sitting on the grass of Grassy plains.

"Yeah I know." Tommy replied as he sighed. "And they're probably stronger than Raditz."

"That means we need to start our training." Piccolo suggested to Tommy. "Goku, I wouldn't be suggesting this, but we need to get stronger before these Saiyans get here."

"I agree. And if I may, I was wondering if we train my son as well."

"Your son?"

"Yeah. I know he's only four and a half years old, but he has potential that I will never have. Until my entire life was almost over. And I know I'm over exaggerating it, but it's true. He just needs the right push to bring it out."

"Hn, I didn't sign up for babysitting while the planet's fate is in our hands. But if what you say is true, then he can be of great use to us when the battle arises."

"that's the spirit Piccolo!" Tommy said with a grin.


When they returned back to Roshi's house, Tommy and Piccolo explained to Bulma Krillin Roshi and Turtle about their victory against Raditz.

However, that was overshadowed with the knowledge that 2 more saiyans were on their way to earth.

And would arrive in one year.

And to make it worse, they both were stronger than Raditz.

Krillin was nervous.

But in his heart, he knew what to do.

So he decided to gather the old gang up and take them to Kami's, where they could get some training from the guardian of the earth.

Gohan was scared as well.

He didn't wanna be.

But he was.

Especially when he was told that he was going to be training with Piccolo.

The green looking man looked terrifying in Gohan's eyes.


On Kami's lookout, we see Kami, the elderly Namekian, along with mr. Popo.

He had come from meeting with King Yenma.

King Yenma was a person in charge of the souls and where they went.

Which was either Heaven or Hell.

The reason he visited him was because he needed to get Goku/Tommy a pass to get to the other world so he could meet with King Kai and get his training with him.

King Yenma granted the pass, but also granted the pass for his son as well.

From what he heard from Baba the fortune teller, Goku was as pure as a crystal.

His son Gohan likewise.

And not only that, but Gohan was indeed stronger than his father.

If he could get the right training, he would be a force to be reckoned with,

should Goku/Tommy kick the bucket for any reason.

Be it natural or at the hands of an enemy stronger than he.

When Kami telepathically talked to Korin.

He told Yajirobe to head to Roshi's and tell them and Goku if he was still there with Gohan that Kami had something for them.

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