Chapter 2

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At Master Roshi's house, Bulma and Krillin and the old timer and the turtle were enjoying another's company.

Yamcha, ah, that bastard wasn't there because he was last seen cheating on Bulma. So much for the perfect guy right?

She should have gone with Goku.

I know that sounds strange, but come on, any girl would want to be with Goku.

Help him develop more as a human being and a man.

But then, could Bulma do it?

She probably could-right?

Anyways as she was whining and talking about how free she was of the bandit/martial arts fighter/baseball player, Tommy gave a "Yo! I'm sorry I'm late, I had to find the little guy and introduce him to you guys!"

That voice-It was Goku- Wait, did he mention a kid?

Krillin-Roshi-Bulma-and Turtle came out and saw Goku, wearing his usual Gi.

And in his arms a shy little 4 and half year old boy.

"Uh...Goku-who's the kid?" Bulma asked

"Goku have you started babysitting? I'll be damned." Said Krillin

"Nah, this is my son. His name is Gohan-"

"WHAT?! HE'S YOUR SON?!" They yelled

"Yeah. His name is Gohan." Tommy said as placed him on the ground.

"Aw Goku, he's so adorable." Bulma complimented

"Thank you. Chi Chi and I worked hard to make one good looking kid-I mean-Gohan, say Hello." Tommy said before mentally facepalming himself. 'If I show off some of my intelligence, they're gonna know something's off. But then they'll just think Goku finally found a brain. Still I can't be too careful.' Tommy Thought as Gohan bowed and said Hello.

The friends of his father bowed and said likewise.

"So Goku, how old is he?" Krillin asked.

"About 4 and a half." Tommy answered

"Wow, I never thought you of all people would be a daddy." Bulma remarked

"Yeah I know. Also, I think Chi Chi mentioned us having another kid so Gohan won't be alone. It would be nice for him to have a brother you know?"

"I can tell he's a lot different from when we were kids Goku." Krillin remarked

"I know. Chi Chi wants him to study. Which is fine and all, but I personally think Gohan should decide for himself what he wants to do. Not be forced to do whatever Chi Chi thinks it's best." 'That's how the original Gohan got train wrecked.'

"I agree. I think Chi Chi should let Gohan decide so he doesn't feel like he's being forced to do something. Like being forced to play the piano. And I hate the piano."

Roshi laughed and said,"Settle down boys. You can't expect everyone to agree with ya, it'll be too easy then."

"Hey Goku, why does um....Gohan have a Tail?" Bulma asked as she looked at it.

"Oh that? Well because I had one." 'Crap! I forgot about the tail. With it he can transform into a gorilla by looking at a full moon. Or the new moon. No No No-New moon turns half demons like Inuyasha human-'

"Goku....Earth to Goku, I was asking you a question."

"S-Sorry Bulma. Go ahead."

"Does he ever act strange when the moon is full?" She asked

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