Chapter 1

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Dylan's POV

I tried to stifle a yawn while listening to the presentation being given by Mr. Cooper. The head manager of our sales department in pharmaceutical. He was already balding for his young age. At first I thought he was the same age as my father and to my surprise, he was just a couple of years older than me. He's stating facts and figures from the presentation in the screen but nothing was registering on my mind. It's wrong and irresponsible but I can't help it... he's boring me to death.

"Thank you." He said as my eyes were about to close. A slight kick from underneath prevented the sand man from taking me away. I looked into my right where the kick came from and saw my cousin Dan who pretended that she was also listening sporting a smirk on her face. "... Any more questions?" Mr. Cooper asked. Even if he's such a boring presenter, he had remarkable managing skills and just looking at the graph, our sales was still reaching beyond limit.

"Thank you Mr. Cooper." I said as he took a sit and drank some water. "Next please."

It was Dan who stood next. She started working for the company almost the same time as I did. Hacking and playing in the cyber world was not an option anymore ever since she started a family with Andrea.

"With the attack that happened almost a week ago, we have managed to finally track the culprit but nothing's solid." She clicked a button and a face of a man who looked like in his early twenties came in. "He's Cyrus Morrell, also know in the cyber world as Dark Lord. He's had been previously caught and detained by the FBI and Homeland for hacking their system when he was sixteen. He's was released from juvenile detention and went under. He's 23 now." She paused. "We have managed to stop him before he could fully break into our system and so far, no data were provenly stolen but we were still doing a sweep in order to check and secure all our data. Any questions?" Dan took a sit when no one asked any questions.

"Anything else?" I asked. "So I think that concludes this week's meeting. You're all adjourned." Everybody but my cousin and I raced to leave the room to get back at their work.

Both Dan and I finally let out a loud yawn. "My goodness! That was boring as hell!" Dan stated. "Next time, just call me when it's my turn." She doesn't usually attend to this kind of meeting but since since the failed attack, she was forced to make a report.

"I know right!" I better think of a way to make this meeting a little more alive. "While I sit here and bore myself to death, Dad's probably fishing somewhere. Goodness! I hope he comes back soon." My old man suddenly decided to take a sabbatical leave. He stated that I'm trained enough to handle the company on my own and fortunately, I haven't disappointed him yet. "So... any particular detail you wanted to tell me about Dark Lord?"

Dan shrugged. "I knew it was him from his signature. We had a little ran in back then. He's genius in the cyber world that's why it was odd that he was caught. This was the first time that I saw him back."

"Do you think he's a threat?"

"I'm not sure. For now, nothing's stolen... Both data nor money. Nothing's corrupted but I still needed to do more testing. I'll let you know soon."

"Okay! See yah!" We went our separate ways as we exited the conference room. She walked towards the elevator that will lead her to the IT department while I walk towards my office, that previously belongs to my dad."

"Any important calls Martha?" I asked my secretary who was my father's previous secretary as I went in. She was a middle age woman who was really great at her job. She's been with the company before I was even born and worked with my father for a long time.

"Nothing that needed your immediate attention." She responded. "The Youth magazine wanted to schedule and interview and well as Entrepreneur Today and Rogue." Ah... Interviews... I really don't like being in the spot light. "Here are the list of companies that wanted to set an appointment with you." She handed me a folder which contains the details of the companies to help me decide if they were worthy of our time and resources.

"Thank you."

My energy were all drained as I saw the new stacks of papers that needed me attention. "They weren't even there two hours ago..." With heavy heart... I went to my chair and began to work. Looking at the clock, I sighed. "And it wasn't even 9 am."

Ashley's POV

Waking up alone in bed was disappointing but it was inevitable. Dylan had to be in the office as early as 7am since she got a meeting while I'm not supposed to be in the hospital until later since I pulled in a double yesterday. It was a mess, a building collapsed injuring more than a dozen of people and killing a few.

Mikey should already be at school by this hour. He's ten now and was in fifth grade. As parents, even though we were always busy, we made sure to make time for him. We were always there to watch him play soccer and watch him at school plays. He was a great actor. Mikey was a responsible young adult. He never gotten in fights, had good grades and doesn't fool around. He was still a child but acted like an adult.

I arrived at the hospital earlier than expected but glad that I did. The E.R was busy due to an accident caused by drunk driver.

"Dr. Thompson, Dr. Tray asked for you in O.R2." Dr. Tray was the head of Pediatrics and she's really a great doctor and I learned and still learning a lot from her.

Pediatrics was the path that I would like to specialize. It was hard since dealing with child wasn't easy but dealing with sick child was worst. It took a lot of patience and perseverance.

"Scrub in. I need another pair of hands." Dr. Tray ordered the moment I stepped in the O.R.

The child's condition seemed to be really bad but with Dr. Tray, she's in good hands.

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