Chapter 22: Cliché

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Chapter 22:

Oikawa had just finished jogging around the neighborhood when he bumped into Kaiya in a nearby park around their high school. He noticed that she had an easel, a canvas, and some colorful paints beside her. He realized then that she was probably working on another painting. He sneakily sauntered behind her and smirked deviously.

"Miya-chan!" Oikawa boomed, causing her to stumble forward in surprise and knocking over her easel.

"Jeez - Oikawa, what the hell-?!" Kaiya snarled, shaking her head in disapproval, "You scared me!"

"Why are you painting so early in the morning?" He smiled as he fluttered his eyelashes innocently. It was literally 6 am. If Oikawa wasn't training, he would be in bed, sleeping in.

"Ugh..." She bent down to adjust her easel, "I like painting here but I don't like people watching me so I go really early, before people arrive."

"Oh, is that so?" Oikawa nodded slowly, "How come you didn't mind me watching you paint in your house?"

Kaiya cringed at his valid statement and blushed slightly, "That's different! We're at my house and besides, I can't control your irritating behavior so it doesn't matter if you watch me."

"Right," He chuckled, taking a seat on the grass in order to rest, "Do you need a muse? Wanna paint me like one of your French girls?"

Kaiya rolled her eyes exasperatedly - Oikawa was obviously teasing and referring to the movie Titanic, her favorite romance movie. He recently learned that about her on the drive back home from the aquarium trip with her and his nephew. He also learned that she liked reading adventure comic books which was something he didn't expect. Oikawa liked learning all these things about her.

"Don't you have anything better to do?" Kaiya said as she prepared some red, green, and yellow dollop of paints on her palette.

"I just finished working out," Oikawa laid down on the grass and shut his eyes, "I was going to go home but then I saw you here."

"Do you always go jogging this early?" She inquired.

"Eh... Depends on my mood." He shrugged.

"What's your mood today?" Kaiya raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Hopeful," Oikawa opened his eyes and sat up abruptly, "Iwa-chan told me that Ayame's finally willing to talk to me."

"That's good..." She murmured as she lightly sketched on the canvas.

"Do you think she'll want me back?" He grimaced, "It's been months since our break-up so... What if she's into someone else now?"

"Okay..." Kaiya sighed, "If she's willing to hear you out, isn't that sort of a step to getting back together?"

"Not necessarily..." He pouted, "How do I ensure that she wants me back? Do I have to do some grand gesture thing?"

"Well, do you want some advice?" She asked.

"Yes!" He nodded eagerly.

"Most girls like flowers, chocolates, and stuffed toys. She'll probably like that so apologize and ask for her back using all those things." Kaiya suggested.

"Sounds cliché..." Oikawa frowned in disbelief.

"It is but 90% of girls are suckers for that, even if they don't want to admit it." She laughed softly.

"Are you?" Oikawa snickered playfully.

Kaiya sighed exasperatedly and said, "This isn't about me..."

Kismet - Oikawa Tooru x OCWhere stories live. Discover now