43. Epilogue Part I

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The house was peacefully silent, a rare thing these days. Meredith trotted past the grand windows admiring the breathtaking panorama of Seattle. Derek was right, the view was much better from here. The Shepherds moved into their dream house on the cliff just a couple of days ago. Derek and Mark transported all their belongings from Meredith's mother's house while she was recovering in hospital.

She sat down crossing her legs, in the middle of the spacious living room, with stacks of photos and her laptop. She and Derek decided to go on with Bessie's scrapbook as well as starting a family one, and now the newest addition to the family couldn't be deprived of one. It felt like a good time to take care of that as it looked like they were going to make it through the whole afternoon nap for the first time. Meredith guessed she could use the quietness to have a good rest from the crying, wailing and changing diapers but she wasn't very tired. Her and her children sleep times didn't overlap very often, unfortunately.

"Can't believe it, they're sleeping like angels," said Derek striding into the living room. He sat behind his wife bringing her between his legs. He put two baby monitors on the floor and brought his arms around her waist as usual during her pregnancy. She could tell he was already missing her protruding belly, even if didn't yet fully shrink. He murmured into her neck, "What are you doing, sexy thing?"

Meredith rolled her eyes; he stubbornly kept calling her lame pet names since she initiated it all those months ago, the day of their reception at the hospital.

"I figured it's time to tidy it all up," Meredith pointed at the photos and pulled closer an album with light-green covers, "and start this. It took me almost two weeks to complete the scrapbook about Bessie."

"It'll go smoother this time," assured her Derek going through the printed pictures. "I'm here..."

"You are," she sighed happily lying back her head on his shoulder.

"Look, that should go first I think." He lifted up an image of her, the first they took since they knew there was another Shepherd on the way.


Meredith got out of her car tiredly. It was well past nine p.m., long after Bessie's bedtime. She hated those evenings when she got pulled up in surgery and missed on telling her daughter a story or just a simple goodnight.

However, despite the overwhelming fatigue, she felt excited hearing Derek bustling around the kitchen, probably waiting up for her with dinner. She was tired already when she woke up this morning, which surprisingly enough was one of the reasons that made her excited... as well as her missed period.

"Hey," she heard his voice behind as she was hanging her coat.

"Hey," she smiled and walked up to him, planting a sweet kiss on his lips.

"Long day?" he muttered deepening the kiss, trapping her against the doorframe.

"Mhm," she nodded and rained his jaw with kisses. "I'm dead tired."

"Don't look like it," he murmured rubbing her sides. "I'll get you something to eat."

"Maybe later," she grinned and took his hand to lead him upstairs. "We've got to take care of something first."

He looked at her quizzically as she pushed him on the bed in their bedroom and smiled up, "I'll be right back."

"Meredith?" he asked when she reappeared carrying something in her hands. She sat beside him and he was able to see . She bought the test on her way back home to take it together with Derek. She wanted to give him everything, to include him in everything this time.

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