24. His Daughter

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Cristina watched from a safe distance the scene unfolding in the hospital corridor with the intention to turn away everyone who might potentially interrupt it. Judging by Meredith's uncoordinated gestures, she was on the verge of nervous breakdown. She faced a dead end. There was no backing away, no other way than the truth. The only hope was in Shepherd's willingness to listen and understand, which, knowing him, was doubtful. McDreamy could be an impulsive jerk, not that she would blame him much this time. In the current situation, Cristina was ready to grant him the right to some bitching.

She lurked around the corner and frowned seeing him letting go of Meredith's arms, the eager expression on his face replaced by disbelief.

"Yang, what are you doing?"

Shit! Cursed Cristina in her thoughts as she turned back to see Alex, Izzie and George moving towards her.

"Uh, nothing," she shrugged off, "taking a break."

"You've been acting really weird today, Cristina," said George. "But we've heard why. We would've helped if you'd told us."

"Yeah, and we would've forgiven you for treating us like shit a little bit sooner," cut in Izzie. "Anyway, Mer's with her daughter, isn't she?"

"Why do you care?" snapped Cristina, making a few steps to block their way.

"Take it easy," said Alex. "We just want to make sure she's fine."

"She is fine," assured Cristina. "You can take my word on that."

"We want to see her," insisted Izzie. "We're not going to intrude, Cristina, just pop in for a couple of seconds to say she can count on us. You're not her only friend."

"You can do that later," hissed Cristina as Izzie stepped around her, followed by Alex and George.

"Stop acting like..." trailed off Izzie as her eyes rested on Meredith and Derek. "Oh my God..."

"What's going on here?" They had the Chief's stern voice. "It's not a playground and you're not children," he reprimanded as he reached them, Bailey at his side.

"Oh my God..." she sighed as she came to a halt.

Derek whispered harshly, "Is this your idea of a joke?"

Meredith shook her head, trembling slightly at the cold note in his voice. "It's... no joke... It's true... It's... Bessie's your daughter."

He stared at her blankly, all the color draining from his face.

"Don't... don't play with me, Meredith," he breathed out.

"Derek..." she reached a hand towards him but he flinched away, avoiding her touch.

He blinked several times as the corners of his eyes started prickling uncomfortably.

"I'll ask you a question," he said as his voice cracked with hardly controlled emotion, "and think carefully about your answer."

Meredith felt overwhelming coldness conquering her body. She knew him well enough to tell that his angry breakdown was just a matter of time.

"Look me in the eye," he ordered, "and tell me, were you pregnant while leaving Seattle? Were you pregnant with my child?"

"I... Yes..." she whispered with a tear-strained voice.

"Oh my God, oh my God!" Derek hid his face in his hands and when he finally brought them back to his hips he was choking back his own tears.

"I can't believe this... I just can't believe this..." he muttered. "How could you?" he bellowed finally as pure rage won the battle of emotions in his heart.

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