9- I'll keep on running all day and night...

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16 days.

Exactly 16 days Chan counted, Felix disappeared 16 days ago. He left no trace just like before, Chan couldn't reach him and he didn't know of Felix's friends really to ask about him.

And since he was a criminal in hiding, Chan couldn't file a missing persons report sending out any search teams or then the boy would get caught and flagged with the crimes he's committed.

Thank you for tuning in to our 7pm news.
Recently there have been no updates on the "Financial District Killer".

It seems he has gone into hiding due to no recent news. Please continue to watch for updates-


Chan was watching tv, seeing the news talk about Felix. Only he knew the killer was Felix, since the murders stopped Chan told his unit they would put the case on hold.

He was more focused on finding Felix safe.

Chan missed the younger so much though, after the first 10 days of not finding the boy, he went on leave from work. Spending all day and night using his resources he had to find him...but had no luck just like before.

The downside him of being smart and sneaky...is now I can't find him

He was searching the streets and all districts for the boy, even the crime and gambling district.

But still no luck...

He turned his TV off feeling himself tear up again, looking at a photo of the pair on the wall.

"Felix...I love you...I thought you loved me too...? Why...just why did you leave...?" He broke down crying again, once again the last weeks he couldn't eat or sleep.

All he could do was think about Felix.

None of this would have happened if it wasn't for that Jackson-

That's when he had an idea.


"Ya ya, I know. Send the wire transfer when you're done. Got it?"

"Excuse me?"

"Hm? Hold on..."


"Are you Jackson Wang?"

"Ya? Who's asking-"


"Ow shit!"

"Me, that's who!"

It was Chan, he found Jackson near a strip club on the phone. Once he confirmed who he was Chan punched him knocking him on the ground harshly.

"Ow! You fucking-
Oh...hold on. It's the Aussie Cop~" he smirked holding his jaw standing up.

"Damn right, now tell me where the hell is Felix" Chan demanded.

"Me? How would I know?" He scoffed putting his phone away.

"Because you blackmailed him into doing your shitty jobs of killing people!" Chan snapped.

"Uh oh, I made the cop angry~" he laughed back spitefully.

"You little shit!" Chan snapped grabbing Jacksons shirt and pushing him up against the wall punching him again.


"You listen to me asshole! You tell me where Felix's next job is or else?" Chan threatened.

"Oh ya? Or what? I think you remember who has dirt on you two. You make me angry Chan and I'll ruin you both" Jackson snapped back.

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