6- And we ain't ever gonna stop

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"You having fun baby?"

"Yes Channie! I love our dates~"

"So cute"

Whenever the couple went on their dates, they made sure it was in places Chan's police unit wouldn't recognize him. Most the time no one noticed or ran into them which was good.

"Let's sit here cutie~" Chan said finding a bench in the park to sit on, holding Felix close by his waist kissing his cheeks.

"Channie you're such a romantic~" he teased the older looking into his eyes.

"Because my Lixie is the cutest...even though I miss your beautiful freckles and tattoo while we're out..." he cupped Felix's cheek stroking his thumb on it, seeing the make up cover it all up.

"Aw, but you get to see them at home...and in bed~" Felix smirked kissing him.

"Oh, so like tonight I'll see them with some new lace I hope?" Chan kissed him some more.

"Mmmhm...lots of pink lace for you tonight~"

"God damn I can't wait baby~"

The couple enjoyed their time together, talking about all sorts of things before they went walking again.



"Are you...happy with me...?" Felix asked quietly.

"What do you mean?" Chan asked in confusion stopping to look at him.

"I mean...are you happy...since you started a life with me...?" He asked again nervously.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be? Where is this coming from Lix...?" Chan asked with worry holding him close.

Felix looked down for a moment before speaking up.

"It's just...from my past...I didn't think anyone...would care about me...or even still love me after all the things I've done..." he said looking at Chan with sad eyes.

"Baby...even though you've had a rough past...it doesn't mean you can't have a happy future. Especially with me, I love everything about you and love is about accepting someone's mistakes...like you still loved me even though I lied to you about being undercover...you gave me another chance" he said lovingly to the boy.


"So, no matter what I still and always will love you...even if you steal again...I'll be disappointed but I won't ever stop loving you" he teased a bit.

That's what Felix needed to hear after the secret he's been keeping from Chan, already starting to tear up.

"I love you too Channie...I love you so much..." he said shyly hugging him.

"And I love my one and only Lixie~"


Felix thought working with Jackson would be over soon, but the other added a few more murders to his list. Which was driving Chan and his unit crazy about all these killings.

"Chris, how have these murders doubled? I thought you were taking the lead on this" Rose said.

"I know, I am! It's just...whoever this is...they're good. Really good...like they know what I would be looking for...and make sure they hide it before they leave..." he sighed sitting in his office.

"Well, maybe it was someone who just got out on probation? Look through all your files to see" she sighed back before leaving.

"Ya...maybe. I'll do that"

Which is what Chan did, but some of his files he kept locked in a safe at home. He wasn't expecting to go home midday, but he had to find out who this killer was.

Felix was at work still so Chan was met with silence, starting his searching right away. He got a energy drink and a medium stack of files from his safe, sitting at the table going through each one.

Checking each crime someone had done, after 2 hours he still had no luck with connections.

"Jesus...this is the hardest investigation I've ever dealt with..." he sighed leaning back as he tossed the last file in another stack, he was about to get up and put them back in the safe and then he saw Felix's file from Seoul at the bottom.

He gave a small smile remembering when he first read about Felix's files, he picked it up opening it to see when the younger was blonde.

"Still cute..."

He giggled to himself just glancing through some of the cases, just as he was about to close the folder he noticed something.

"What's that...?"

He mumbled looking at a picture of Felix's first few murders, he looked closer seeing something he recognized but couldn't tell from where.

"I swear I've seen that..." he muttered looking through more photos, seeing a small detail. He couldn't figure it out, opening his laptop to check the most recent murders.

He looked those photos then back at the ones Felix had in his files, his eyes going wide.

"That mark..." he whispered seeing the "V" Felix would leave as his signature heart on the murders in his old case photos, realizing the signature matched the same one on the murders that happened recently.

What...? No...it...it can't be him...it has to be a copycat or something...

Just then Chan's phone began to ring, it was Felix calling.


"Hi Channie! I wanted to let you know I have to work a double shift tonight, so I'll see you at home late!"

"Late...? Ok, well I'll be working" he said softly looking at Felix's file while talking to him.

"Channie make sure you take breaks ok? I'll pick up take out for us tonight!" He giggled.

"Thanks beautiful...see you tonight. Love you..." Chan smiled.

"Love you too Channie! Bye!!"

Felix hung up as Chan was still staring at the file.

There's no way it can be him...right?

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