Meeting Again

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Regardless of my health,I still decided to help Amanda out in her small make-up shop.Ben goes to work and Amanda also left,they didn't want me going out because of my pregnancy but I insisted on following Amanda.If I stay alone at home,I will just continue thinking and thinking which I don't want to.I wore my sweater and came out of the house where Amanda is waiting for me.

"Ben would really be upset if he finds out you want to help me instead of staying in".She pouted.

I smile and entered the car with her.It's so cold outside,it's raining snow.We got to the shop and it wasn't a classy one but at least it has customers.I helped her out with a lot of things that she needs.I arranged all the cosmetics and kits into the proper place,I took some important calls for her.Owning a small make-up shop isn't easy not of talking about how people who owns classy make up store handle it. I got real busy though.

Amanda went into the corner with her small staffs to talk to them.Another phone call and I pick it,a customer  entered the shop obviously to buy something."Hello?this is Amanda's classy shop how may I help you?".I ask the caller and there wasn't any answer and finally it talked.

"You want to help me?".The voice ask and I got confuse.It seems familiar though,I didn't want to think about what I'm thinking right now.

"Um yes that's my job".I said.

"Then please turn around".I sigh and turn around.Jake was standing,his phone on his ear.He was gazing at me.

I was shocked beyond words,I didn't know what to do or say.He obviously shock me a lot.I didn't realize how much I miss him until tears drop from my eyes.I try to stay strong.How does he even know I'm here?where is Xander?is he here with him?.More tears came and I wipe them away.He put his phone in his pocket and I drop mine.

"Wh-at a-re you d-oin-g here?,how did you find me?I clearly told you not to come here,why-

I stop midway when he put me into a hug,I tried to resist hugging him back.I tried to push him away but his hold on me was stronger.I heard him sniff and after he hug me again one more time,he stare at me.Remain strong Kenzie,you can't be weak not now..... "Why did you change your number?you didn't want us to see you at least let us know you are safe".He ask worriedly.

"I'm safe now please leave".I said teary and he didn't budge.

If he stays then Xander might come both wouldn't want to leave and I don't want that...

"Me and Xander figured out where you stayed.It took a lot of determination and efforts but-

"Why?I already told you not to find me".I yell.

"Xander wanted to and I wanted to help him,he is a huge mess without you".

Is he drinking again?....

We heard a lot of gaps and that's was when I remembered I'm still in Amanda's shop and she and the rest were all starring at me and Jake like we are a movie to be watched.I took Jake's hand and led him outside.He pull his coat for me and wore it on me in a gentleman way.I wanted to cry so badly right now."Is Xander here with you?".I ask and he nods.

"You left with a note,and you changed your number.You didn't tell anyone where you are going,you resigned from your job and you left us in suspense".

"Why are you stating the obvious?".I ask.

"I don't know,I just really want to have a conversation with you".He says and hug me again.

"Don't you want to know what I've been doing in the past few weeks?,how I've been doing?".He ask,another way of creating a conversation.

I really do want to know Jake.....

"I'm dating Katherine".He declare and I smile.He is happy,I'm glad.

"Come back and let's sort everything out.Running away from your problems won't solve anything".He yells in pain.

I'm not running Jake I had to do this so none of you would be worried about me.I just want you'll to move on.Let me just be a memory for you guys..

"I'm not running away Jake just please live your happy life with Katherine without turning back to look or find me".I pleaded.

"That's not possible for me,but ask Xander he is here somewhere".

I suddenly got nervous like really nervous.I didn't want to see him and I also want to see him again so badly.Jake suddenly kiss my forehead before walking away,where is he going now?is he going to call Xander?.I manage to wore the big coat he put on me satisfactory.I face my front and saw Xander starring at me so deeply in another side,cars and people were all moving.He is wearing all white makes him look like a true angel.With Xander,I couldn't keep it in.I started crying the moment our eyes meet.

As soon as the lights turn red,he slowly cross the road coming to me,his eyes never leaving mine.We finally stood face to face and I'm more nervous and got scared when there were bruises on his face,his lips was swollen.His cheeks were filled with red marks and there was a cut on his forehead.Did he got into a fight?.He raise his hands to wipe my tears but I stood back making him sigh.

"You and Jake should leave,you should have respected my wish".I said trying to stay strong.

"Do you want me to leave so badly?,why do you always leave me behind?".He ask.

Another pain in my heart but I endured it,I don't want any of them to help me carry my burden.They should live their lives and move on."You told me to move on,do you think I'll be able to move on without you?.Don't you get it?,you are my whole world.I love you Kenzie".He said,tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"Please don't look for me anymore.Just leave".I commanded strongly and Jake came back.

"We won't anymore.I promise you.Take care of yourself Kenzie".Jake promised and I knew it was sincere.

Xander stare at me hopefully one last time and I turn my back away going back to the shop.When they left,I broke down and started crying.Amanda pacify me and I stop crying."Who is the father?,the devilishly handsome guy?or the gently face handsome guy?".

I laugh hard at her question,so Xander is the devilishly handsome guy and Jake is the gently face handsome guy....... "The devilishly handsome guy is the father".I reply.

"I really don't know about your past with them or why you don't want to tell Xander about his baby but just know I'll always be here for you".She said and she hugs me.

In the next five years I won't be here hugging you........

My phone rang and it was my Mom.I haven't told her about my pregnancy or my illness.Ben and Amanda knew about my pregnancy but doesn't know about my illness,I feel bad for not telling mom about it,she is already happy with Anthony.I'll just be a problem for her to handle and I don't want that.

"How are you Kenzie?I miss you a lot".She said and I smile.

"I'm fine mom don't worry and don't ask me where I am because I won't tell you".I said and she chuckle.

"Don't worry I won't ask.I just want to know to know if you are safe and eating well".

"I'm eating well Mom just be happy with Anthony".

She change the topic,"Do you know Xander got into a fight with someone?he also once drive carelessly and was almost put to jail if Jake hadn't helped him.I feel pity for him.He is really a huge mess without you".She narrates and I tried hard not to cry.

"He will be fine one day Mom.One day,he would be able to live without me".I hung up before wiping my tears again.

He will be just fine....

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