Another Sad Revelation

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Three month later,I finished my internship and prepared to start work in the Reporting firm.It's my first Day of work and I have to look smart.It's a big honor working in Harrison Reporting firm.I took a bath in the tube and suddenly felt a lot in my stomach and I vomited,it has been happening for the past few weeks and my Mom told me I'm pregnant for Jake,I didn't want to believe it.

I have been having sleepless nights thinking about Jake and his welfare,he didn't call or text.His father calls a lot and always tells me everything about him.He is doing well in London,eating well and working hard everyday but he is also sad and unhappy,I tried to call him but he is never picking so I gave up even though I knew in my mind I haven't fully given up.Sometimes I feel he calls but when I pick the call,he doesn't say anything all I hear is whimpers and I knew it was him.I cried days and nights.

And Xander?He is doing well,he comes visit my house everyday and bring gifts along.My attraction and love I had for him grows every day and I'm always resisting because I still think of Jake.I love both but not equally but this days my love for Xander is growing more.He is becoming a renowned artist just like his mother,he owns a gallery due to his hard work and a lot of successful artist comes everyday to buy his arts.He makes tons of money and his father always begs him to accept him back.He apologies everyday to him and wants his family back.

His mother and sister hasn't come back from Australia although I heard Katherine finished college successfully and is working in a fashion industry now.His mother still loves his father and already forgiven him but Xander is still finding it hard to forgive his father.His father wants him to work in his company as the sole-heir and Xander is still thinking about it.I told him to do it since it would just increase his capability  and experience.He finally agrees and started taking over his father's company,he finda it hard to cope but he is still trying.

Life outside college is hard for everyone and I'm sure everyone could agree on that.My life is pure hard,I still see Evelyn everyday.She is learning to be a doctor in her mother's hospital and she has grew a lot.Experince has taught her a lot,She has changed but she still has a bit of her character in her.April is working as a teacher in the college we got out of,she says it hard but she will try harder.And Timothy's life is going great,he is also working in his father's company.

Ben is still trying to become a chef like he dreamed of but was hard for him.He has a girlfriend now Amanda who he loves a lot and would do anything for.My Mom is also doing great but misses her husband Anthony.She doesn't stay in the city anymore,she moved to California a week ago.I have a small house of my own now.Since I have an hour to rest before going to work,I decided to go to the doctor.Deep in my mind,I knew I'm pregnant but didn't want to accept it.How can I get pregnant at my age?,Me and Jake only used condom once and we had sex again twice without condom.I went to the doctor amd it was confirmed I was five weeks pregnant.I took it in and went to work.

My first day of work was great,They were all nice to me because they know my Anthony knew me and consider me a daughter to him.How am I going to take care of my baby alone?I haven't even seen the father for three months now?.And what would Xander say about it?.I'm just beginning my life anew and know I'm pregnant?.

My belly actually was growing a bit since the last three months,I knew it and I saw it that was when I concluded I was pregnant but didn't want to go to the hospital and when I finally got there,it was confirmed I was pregnant.How Will I feed my baby?I don't want to be a single mother and I don't know where Jake stays in London either.I'm still struggling to balance myself and my life and now this baby comes........

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