Chapter 2

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Why is it so cold? I thought I had a blanket on me. I turned in my bed, my eyes still closed. Stretching my arm out I touched something warm, and smooth. Wait I don't remember this being in my bed. Then I ran my hand up, chin, nose, eyes.

"Alex stop..... I'm trying to sleep." 

"What the- ahhhhhh!" I fell off my bed and landed on the cold, wooden floor.

"Carla! How many times do I have to tell you, tell me when your sleeping over!" I moaned while rubbing my but from the impact it made on the cold hard floor. I climbed back onto the bed, now awake from my peaceful sleep. I turned to see Carla laying on her stomach with her long curly brown hair splayed across the pillow.

"Wait, when did you get here?" She turned her head towards me, staring up at me with brown eyes, glazed over from sleep.

"I arrived last night, I think around 10 and let my self in with the spare key you gave me. Anyway what time is it?We have to get ready for school." I groaned at the sound of school. I hate school. Why do I need school, I'm already kinda set for life with the money I earned from kickboxing. That's one of the perks of kick boxing, the money.

I turned to look at the clock, it read 8:30. Class starts at 9. Ugh I don't wanna go to school. "It's 8:30." Carla opened her eyes wide and jumped out of bed as if it was on fire.

"Come on Alex. Get up, get up, get up! We have 30 minutes to get ready and get to school!" 

"Yeah I know that, and that's enough time," why was she freaking out about this, knowing Carla she can get ready, apply make up and eat a whole breakfast in 10 minutes.  

"Why does it matter to you we have 30 minutes left?"  

"Becauseeee there's a new sexy french teacher, and I want to be able to meet him before all the other girls in school do. There like pirañas." I laughed at her description of the girls that go to our school, but its true sadly.

After 20 minutes of getting ready we both jumped in my beautiful Camaro. It was white with black leather seats. I won a 20 grand boxing match once and I had to buy her. Shes my baby and if someone puts one scratch on her I will personal beat the shit out of them.

"So have you talked to your mom?" Carla asked.  

"Yeah I talked to her last Friday, she said shes being held back for another 9 months." I said, keeping my stone face on, I really didn't like showing sad emotions because that was a sign of weakness and I was trained on not to show that.

"Are you ok with that?" Carla asked, I can tell by her tone she was worried, but I just shrugged it off.  

You see my mom is in the military and shes always traveling, so I live with my uncle and since my "dad" was a piece of shit of a father, I don't live with him. He left my mom and I once he found out she was pregnant. 

So really I spent most of my life living with my uncle and his daughter, Sofia. I do miss my mom, but I understand her type of work and respect her for that. We still talk on the phone and web cam.

"Yeah I'm fine, can we change the topic? Talk to me how was your week off from school and enjoying the weather of Florida?"

And from there on for about 15 minutes she talked about the hot guys in Florida and mostly that's all. Carla is just boy crazy. We are now in senior year I can probably tell you Carla has dated probably half the guys in school. NO she is not a slut, she doesn't sleep around with them, she just gets bored easily and moves on. Me on the other hand, I don't need a man, who has time for that, yeah I have a lot of guy friends but iv never seen them in a kinda of me+them relationship kinda thing. All I need is my punching gloves and I am happy.

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