Chapter 58: A Day In The Life

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My eyelashes collided together as i woke up peacefully.

The distant sound of the busy summers street bringing me comfort, reminding me where i am.

The sunlight shone through the windows, projecting beams of light across my naked body, the white crisp sheets sprawled over my legs.

I looked to my side, becoming aware of the fact that Fred wasn't next me anymore.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes and yawing, preparing myself to get up.

I climbed out of bed, walking sleepily towards the drawers and fishing about for some clothes that i could cover myself with.

I finally settled on a matching pair of silk black pyjamas, i pulled the shorts over my legs, and the tank top over my arms, both sitting loosely on my body.

I headed to the bathroom, grabbing a toothbrush and brushing my long brown hair, once i had finished washing my face, i left the room and adventured out into the kitchen, still feeling new to the apartment.

Luckily enough, i had used plenty of different forms of coffee machines in my life, so i knew how to work practically any that i happened to come across.

I hit the centre button and filled it up with the grounded coffee.

As i was opening the fridge, i spot a stray piece of parchment sitting on the counter, i furrow my brows and reach my hand over to it, unfolding it and scanning its contents.

Morning darling,

I'm downstairs in the shop with George, feel free to come down whenever or just stay in bed, don't do anything that takes up too much energy, don't want you dying again...

p.s. check the coffee table

Fred xx

I grin at the note and fold it back up, switching my gaze to the table that was situated in the living room.

I walk over, noticing a few items but couldn't quite make out what they were.

As i got closer, i saw a large take out cup and a brown paper bag, steam coming out of the Sippy whole in the lid.

The grin that was already on my lips widened whilst i picked up the cup and bag and headed back to the kitchen.

The coffee still looked hot so i wondered whether they hadn't been working too long, but then remembered that most of the hot beverages in the wizarding world were charmed to stay at the optimum drinking temperature no matter how long there left out.

I peeped my eyes into the bag, seeing the croissant lying inside, i wasn't too hungry, but the smell of the warm pastry and the look of its crisp structure was a combination i couldn't refuse.

I wandered around the flat, taking sips of the delicious coffee as i took in the rooms.

I stumbled across a stack of books, most looking unfamiliar to me, which only interested me more as i had read the majority of the Hogwarts library and a fair share of the muggle classics.

I stroked the spine of a rather small book, pulling it out and examining the cover.

Anne of Green Gables

I flicked through to the first page, scanning it to see whether i liked it, shortly finding myself not being able to take my eyes away from the pages.

I sat down, book still in hand and took a bite of the pastry, washing it down with some more coffee.

After around twenty minutes of reading and eating my breakfast, i decided to go and pay the twins a visit, curios on how the shops coming along.

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