Chapter 29: Red Party

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After a long and exhausting day of lessons, Rylee and i were walking through the hallways talking about tonight. She hadn't brought up the Fred situation again so i was very relieved i wouldn't have to talk about it.

I was confused.

I don't know if Fred knew how arguments works, but usually you don't just kiss them when you can't think of a comeback.

I didn't want to be a pushover, i wanted him to realise that he can't treat me like that, but the second he touches me or we make eye-contact, he intoxicates me.

And he knows it.

'Helloo...kay are you in there' a voice says as i start to fade back to reality.

'Sorry, i got lost in my thoughts' i say back

'Let me guess, thoughts about Fred?' she said knowingly.

'Maybe' i reply sheepishly

'I saw him take you outside in potions, so did George' she said with a wink

'How is it going with you and George?' i ask curiously

'Well, he's perfect, but I'm trying my hardest not to get attached or lead him on, it'll just make having to leave ten times worse' she said sadly, i really felt for the girl, she tells me awful stories about the people at her school, it was like the whole Slytherin house disguised as little innocent fairies.

'I wish you didn't have to leave at the end of the year, we've only spent a day together and it feels like Ive known you my whole life' i say with a soft smile

'You and me both kay' 

As we approached the common rooms, we were faced with a group of girls.

'There you are! we're all going to get ready for the party tonight together' ginny said excitedly

'Sounds good, sorry i don't think we've met, I'm Kaylee' i say to a mystical looking blonde girl.

'Ive seen you around school, your rather beautiful, I'm Luna' she says in an enchanting voice.

I break into a massive smile and laugh 'Thank you Luna, your gorgeous' i exclaim causing her smile back.

'Kaylee! i don't have a dress' Rylee says worriedly next to me

'Calm down Ry you can wear one of mine' i say reassuringly with a laugh.

The next hour went by and it was quite possibly the best hour of my life.

Being with the girls could put me in a good mood no matter what, and the fact that we were all getting ready together just made us all more excited for the party.

Everyone was about half ready at this point, i had done nearly everyone's hair just how they wanted it, Lunas was very wavy with two fishtail braids meeting in the middle, Ginny's was curled and Angelina wanted a braided half up half down hairstyle, Rylee and Hermione had decided to just straighten theirs with a simple spell, so it left me with spare time to curl mine more than usual.

My hair had always been long and silky as i had taken good care of it whilst growing up.

It was rather chaotic in the girl's room at the minute, music was blasting as we got ready and none of us were changed yet so we were all running about in our underwear.

Rylee's makeup skills were impeccable as she had grown up with many older sisters who had taught her everything she needed to know, I was kind of envious that she had such a large family, but I reminded myself of all my friends who are practically sisters to me.

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