Chapter 48: Umbitch

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'Five galleons?'



'Boys give up, I'm not testing anything you two make'  i say sternly and turn around on my desk to face the front of the class.

It was our first defence against the dark arts class this year, and we were all currently waiting for our new professor to arrive.

I was sat beside Angelina, with the twins directly behind us, although i don't think that they could be any less interested in what was going on.

Our year had their newt exams at the end of school, and because of that, the number of subjects we had to take in comparison to our owls are much less, however definitely not any easier.

I had taken, dark arts, potions, astrology and charms, which were considered quite a lot for a seventh year, this is because most students only took two or three but i was fascinated in all of my subjects and wanted to make the most of my education while it lasted.

Although the twins were actually incredibly smart, and could probably get much higher grades than most of the other students, they simply didn't put any effort into class or homework and instead channelled their motivation in building their future business.

I didn't see that as a bad thing, unlike most, instead i thought it was honourable that they knew what they wanted to do from just a young age, and that they've gotten so far in progressing it when their still at school.

The class came to a complete silence as books appeared in front of each persons desk, taking us all by surprise.

I glanced at Angelina, both of us wearing similar expressions.

'Welcome children' her voice echoed from the back of the room.

'Your previous instruction in this subject has been disturbingly uneven but you will be pleased to know that from now on you will be following a carefully structured ministry approved course of defensive magic' she instructed whilst walking to the front.

'Yes?' she spoke, her attention turning to Alicia who had put her hand up to ask a question.

'There's nothing in here about using defensive spells'

'Using spells!' Umbridge laughs 'Well i cant imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom'

'We're not going to use magic?' Angelina asked

'You will be learning about defensive spells in a secure risk-free way'

'Well what use is that if we're going to get attacked?' i ask

'Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class Miss Black' she spat, i scoffed lightly and sent a look of frustration to angie.

'It is in the view of the ministry, that a theoretical knowledge would be sufficient to get you through your examinations, which after all is what school is all about!' she exclaimed with her sickly smile.

'And how is theory going to prepare us for what's out there?' i ask again, getting more and more annoyed at the professor.

'There is nothing out there dear, who would you imagine wants to attack children like yourselves'

'Do i really need to answer that' i scoff, my voices volume increasing.

'Well yes, enlighten me' she grins back

'What was his name again... oh right , Voldemort' i say sarcastically, she gasped, and the room went silent once again.

'Now let me make this quite plain, you have been told that a certain dark wizard is at large once again ,' she said strongly

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