Chapter 50: Back To The Pitch

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There was no denying it.

We were beyond ready.

Wood had us training long and hard, no exceptions, and it really was paying off , todays game was against Ravenclaw, and we had come up with and perfected what felt like hundreds of different variations, formations and tactics that were tailored to our strengths and their weaknesses.

The game was in the afternoon, which i always preferred because by the time we were finished its evening and its a good excuse for me to get blackout drunk, which is an activity i haven't been able to make time for recently, much to my dismay.

Oliver wanted us to practice beforehand but we were very adamant in making sure that the first time we'll step onto the quidditch pitch today would be shortly before the game, i was extremely relieved about this, as I've already been buried in work, not to mention all the secret order meetings we've been having.

It was getting closer and closer to the Christmas holidays, only a couple of weeks away, and i was looking forward to it. I couldn't stand being in the same walls as Umbridge any longer, she kept making snide comments about my dad and trying to come up with any excuse to get me in detention or take away house points.

Luckily, the carving in my hand had now scabbed over and was becoming less and less noticeable as the days passed, however that didn't stop Fred from grabbing my wrist about fifty times a day to make sure I'm not bleeding.

It was about an hour before we needed to head down to the locker rooms, and i had planned with the twins that I'd meet them for lunch in the great hall.

'Ginny!' i yell as i came dashing out of my dorm.

'Kay!' she replied, matching my tone.

'Are you exited?' i ask, whilst grabbing her shoulders

'Yes of course I'm exited' she laughs

Ginny had replaced Katie bell on the team as a chaser as last year she left Hogwarts, leaving a space to fill. Everyone knew that Ginny was perfect for it, even though she's stronger as a seeker, she was still up to the same standards as Angelina, however not quite mine.

'Come on lets get coffee' i say with a smile as i practically drag her out the portrait.

'Kay! you don't need more coffee, your already full of energy' she moans, whilst getting pulled down the stairs.

We both make our way through the crowded corridors into the even busier hall, almost every student and teacher were sat, wearing their house colours and talking excitedly amongst their peers.

It was rather easy to spot who was on the playing teams, as they were already wearing their quidditch uniform instead of normal clothes, this also meant that wherever you went, you would get randomly cheered or wished good luck.

It was definitely clear that peoples spirits needed to me raised at times like these, and their way of doing that seemed to be going all out for the match.

The Gryffindor table was buzzing, signs being made on the tables, people painting each others faces with red and gold stripes and the sound of laughter filled our ears.

In-between all the commotion, i was just about able to spot Fred amongst the others, he was stood up laughing about something with lee and Ron, although Ron didn't seem very amused.

'What's up ronnykins?' i tease, walking over.

'We're just talking about how young Ginny made the team before this kid' Fred replied, shoving rons shoulder.

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