Chapter 41: Home

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'Is she asleep?' George asked quietly as he peered at the girl.

'No, she's awake' Angelina replied 'Just distracted' she added with a sympathetic frown.

'Do you reckon she'll be okay?' lee asked

'She's strong, of course she will' I say

The others went back to having a conversation as I fixed my attention on the dark-haired girl who was staring out the window.

She hardly blinked.

It hurt me to know that she was hurting.

And it broke me to know that the only thing that can fix it is time.

I wasn't sure how i'd cope with leaving her, I knew that it wouldn't be for long, but I felt the need to be with her just in case something happens. I knew that she'd be with her dad and other members of the order that would get her through the mourning stages, but the only time that I was at ease was when she was in my arms.

The train was pulling up to the station now, other students were slowly starting to retrieve their belongings and vacate their compartments.

My priority was getting her to Lupin as fast as possible as I knew that a lot of her friends and classmates would try to stop her, and offer condolences that I knew she wasn't ready to receive.

I told George beforehand that I would meet the rest of the family a bit later as I wanted to make sure she got to her godfather first.

'Darling' I whispered once the rest of our compartment had stood up.

She didn't move or notice I was trying to get her attention until I squeezed her hand.

Her head jerked round at me, for the majority of the journey she was faced away from me, with her body leaning on me so I didn't notice her red and teary eyes until now.

'Goodbye Hun, look after yourself, I'll write to you' Angelina said kindly before leaving with lee.

'I'll see you soon kay' George nodded and squeezed her other hand 'We'll wait for you by the sign Freddie'

I nodded back at him and returned my gaze on the broken girl.

'Lupins bringing you home love, you ready?' I asked gently whilst tucking her hair behind her ears.

She was wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a white low-cut tank top under her leather jacket, her fists were tucked under the slightly oversized sleeves, she had no makeup on but still looked like the most beautiful being I had ever layed my eyes on.

She nodded and stood up, holding onto my arm tightly that was wrapped around her neck.

We pass many people who stopped and stared at the teary girl on the station, she held her head low and refused to make eye contact with anyone.

I was searching the crowds for my old professor, behind a rather large family, I spotted the familiar scars on his face, our eyes connected, as I nodded slightly to let him know that I had her with me.

His face was full of worry as we passed through.

Kaylee snapped her head up when she caught a glimpse of her godfather, she ran out of my arms and quickly jumped into his embrace, her tears were now falling down her cheeks as she was being held by Remus.

He was whispering reassuring things in her ear as he stroked her back.

He looked up at me and mouthed thank you.

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