chapter 18: Friday Shifts

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Everything was going great at work, i had become close friends with most of the other staff, with the exception of a barman that seriously couldn't take a hint, but apart from that i was really enjoying myself.

Although what did upset me was the fact that Fred still hadn't visited and it had already been nearly four weeks since i last saw him.

I tried desperately to not overthink the reasons why he hadn't shown up, was he having second thoughts? found someone else? was he hurt? dead?!

No he wouldn't be dead.

But i needed my mind to be put to rest to why he never wrote or called or visited.

I kept myself busy by working extra hours and hanging out with the other waitresses or friends from school. Me and Angelina had become a lot closer and i had also made friends with a few Ravenclaws that often came in for butter beers.

Hermione and i were constantly owling each other to keep her updated in the wizarding world and both of us were worrying about the weasleys as she had heard nothing from Ron either, which was very unusual as the two of them were exceptionally close.

I was getting paid quite a lot of money now and had only been spending a very small amount so it wouldn't go to waste.

'Hey Kaylee, Blair' called a voice from downstairs as me and one of the other waitresses headed down from the staff lounge.

'Yeah Tim' i replied to the owner

'I need you two to cover for the other girls tonight, they can't anymore'

'Okay yeah that's fine' i replied with a smile, happy with the extra hours.

'I can't' said Blair quietly with a sorry looking expression

'I need you to, there's only you two left and i'm not employing anyone else" he said with a stressed tone

I quickly remembered why she couldn't take tonight's shifts, she had a date planned with one of the Ravenclaw boys, Roger Davies, and she had been looking forward to it for ages.

'It's fine Tim, i can do it' i say enthusiastically

'It's a friday night, it's gonna be busy'

'I can handle it, more tips i guess' i say with a grin as Blair mouths a thank you.

'Okay... as long as your sure'

I nod back and head upstairs with the girl.

'Thank you so much kay!' she says as she embraces me into a hug.

'Don't worry about it... just make sure you tell me everything about your date' i smile back

'Obviously' she replies as we both laugh and start to get ready for this evening.

I always made an effort for my evening shifts as it always seemed to get be better tips, i know it sound strange and degrading but i need money and i can handle old men flirting.

I put on my uniform and brush my silky long hair, i curl it with big waves and brush then out for a more natural look.

When i was happy with how i looked, i went downstairs to start preparing everything for this evenings customers.

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