First Live Back

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"Babe if you don't want all these plants I can get rid of some and also anything else" I say "babe, it's perfect" Eli replies. I smile, looking back at the living room, Shadow was already cuddled up on the end of the couch "I think shadow likes it too" I giggle.

"Let's go get them" "ok". We both open the door to see Tommy and Tubbo had been trying to listen in on us, and Niki standing against the wall on the other side of the hall. "We can explain" Tommy blurts out. Eli and I just begin to laugh.

I look down the hall to see Lilith walking towards us. I run over and hug her. We walk back to everyone else. "Who's hungry" she asks. We all said yes then left to go get food. We all shoved into my car and went to a local restaurant. We all ate and talked. It was nice to see everyone getting along.

We spent the rest of the day with each other, before going home. Eli and I fell asleep in each others arms, just like we used to. I woke up to Eli making breakfast. He made crepes with Nutella and strawberries again.
I love him so much.

Midway through eating, Tommy, Tubbo and Niki walk in. They join us for breakfast. I decided that today, after six months, I would stream.

I got ready, then I set up my stream.
Worry began to fill my mind what if they are mad at me for leaving, what if they hate me... I then took a deep breath and pressed go live. My starting soon screen had only been up for a few seconds and I already had almost 100k viewers, holy crap.

I decided to start the stream explaining everything alone, then everyone else would join later.

I switched off the starting soon stream "HIII CHAT, yes I am alive and healthy don't worry. I just wanted to apologize for my absence..." I then explained the whole hospital then group housing storage. It was emotional but I got through it, Eli was holding my hand the entire time so it made it easier on me. The feedback I got was so positive it made me really happy.

"As some of you have noticed, I do have a new background and that is because drumroll please... I moved, I moved into an apartment with..." I grabbed Eli and pulled him into frame "Ranboo my beloved" I giggled "Hi chat" "so a lot of you are asking a lot of questions which is great but, we have some special guests..."

Niki, Tommy, and Tubbo walk into frame "HI GUYSSS" chat began going crazy. "So chat, for right now we are going to be doing a Q&A, so tweet your questions to #y/nQ&A, and they will ask the questions and me and Eli will answer"

The Q&A went on for a while, we spent most of the time just joking around with each other though. I then decided to end stream thanking everyone for coming.

Niki, Tommy, and Tubbo we're leaving the next day, so we spent some quality time together. We decided to build a fort in our new living room and watch movies. We all fell asleep right there.

Best friends cousin (Ranboo xReader)Where stories live. Discover now