Back home

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Today, I go home. It's been six whole months and I feel healthier than I have been in a while. I feel bad for missing Eli's birthday but at least I get to see him today. I've seen Lilith multiple times ever since she's been allowed to visit me, I think seeing her really helped me through it all, not to mention all the friends I've made here.

All my stuff is packed and I'm ready to go, all I have to do is say my goodbyes and sign a few papers and I can go.
—-// time skip//——

After a few tears are shed I, and documents are signed, I am finally ready to leave.

I open the door to see him leaning against a car. I immediately drop my bags and run over to him. I jump onto him, holding onto him for dear life. He picks my legs up so he is carrying me. He is hugging me super tightly. God I've missed this.
I've missed him and everything about him. His giant smile, his massive bear hugs, his laugh, his smell, having to look up to him, ugh just everything.

I finally drop my legs down so he is no longer carrying me, still hugging him, I look up at him. He smiles at me "Hi" he whispers. His voice made me melt.

He then puts his hand on my face, rubbing his thumb up and down then pulling me in for a kiss.
The butterflies in my stomach are just like when we first met. God I love him.
The kiss felt like it lasted hours.

We were broken up by Lilith groaning saying "ew". I giggle, I love her. "Get in bitch" she yells at me. I look back to see that my bags are gone, she had already put them in the car. Eli and I both look at each other and giggle. Oh how I missed his laugh.

He picked me up and spun me around. He's such a goof. I look at him and say "your such a dork". I then turn around and get in the back of the car, Eli follows, having to duck to get into the car. He looks so dumb when he does that. The second he sat down he pulled me close, as if he was going to lose me if he didn't.

For the full half an hour car ride we all talk and catch-up, I missed so much.

We soon get to Lilith's house. I am greeted by her entire family giving me the most welcoming group hug. "I hope your hungry, cause we have tons of food" says Lilith's mom, I love Mrs. Katerina's food. "YES ARE YOU KIDDING" I blurt out. Lilith's family then moves out of the way to reveal my parents standing there.

I go in and hug them both. I step back to look at them, my mother, for the first time in forever apologized. I accepted and we all sat at the table.

We all got caught up with each other. Lunch lasted over an hour and it had to be the best lunch I've had ever.

Once lunch was over, me, Eli, and my parents all sat on the couch to talk while Lilith and her family were talking in the kitchen while cleaning up. We were banned from helping them clean. My father than began to interrogate Eli. I tried to get him to stop but Eli told me that it was fine. This went on until Lilith's dad Mr. Charles was done cleaning.

Lilith came over to us and said "why don't we bring your stuff over the the guest house so you can get unpacked" "ok perfect, oh and mom and dad, you are going to get a tour of the humble abode" they giggle and we make our way over.

When I unlock it, it looked the same as always. My plants were somehow still alive, I look over confused and Lilith then explained that she kept them alive.
Then from behind the couch, I see Shadow (now you have a cat, magic). She immediately comes up to me purring and rubbing her dark fur against my leg.

I bend down to pet her, she looks up to me with her piercing green eyes. She jumps on to me, she is always calm, but for the first time ever she seems excited. I pick her up and hold her.

I turn around "welcome to my humble abode", I show them around the bottom floor first, showing them the bathroom, the kitchen, and the closet. "Y/n why do you have two desks?" mom asked. "Well you see, I quit my job to stream full time, I was doing really well, thanks to Ranboo and his friends" I explain

"who's Ranboo" father dearest asks. "Me" Eli squeaks. We all giggle at his voice crack. I then take them to the upstairs, to where the bedroom and the wardrobe were. They seemed very impressed. "HOLD ON A MINUTE there is only one bed, and you said Eli stayed here for a month and a half!" I chuckle "DAD CALM DOWN" we all laugh, he seemed slightly serious though.

He looked over to Eli, he had to look up because he was only 5'9 "you better not try any funny business or I will break you" Eli looked genuinely scared "I will help too" said my mom. Eli then looked as if he was going to crap his pants, my mom was only 5'5 but she was buff as hell so he had a right to be scared. They both start laughing, Eli let out a nervous laugh. "Don't worry they won't hurt you, unless you hurt me" He lets out a sigh of relief "good because I wasn't planning on it". We all laugh.

We all went into the main house to grab my bags, before I can pick one up, Lilith grabs me by the arm she looks at me and says "Girl talk" I look back at Eli and my parents, "Go y/n, we got the bags" "are you sure?" "YES now go", I run up to Lilith's room.

We have "girl talk" which is basically just talk about anything and everything, mainly Eli and her saying that we were all lovey dovey. Once we are done I go back down and walk over to the guest house to see Eli and my parents sitting at the kitchen table talking.

They all practically snap their necks to look at me, they all seemed really happy. They are so weird. Eli stands up and walks over to me and gives me a hug. "Alright we are going to go back to the main house to let you two love birds talk" they giggle.

Once the door is closed behind them, Eli points down, "have a seat" he says pointing to the couch. I sit down and he sits down next to me. He put his hands on my thigh. I put my hand on top of his then he puts his on top of mine, as if we were having a competition. "I have something to tell you" I get nervous, he seems serious.

He notices my distraught face "no don't worry it's nothing bad", I let out a high of relief. "Ok so I'm 18 now..." he began, "ok actually I want to give you something, close your eyes" I close my eyes, "hold your hands out" I do as instructed. I can hear him mischievously giggle, then I feel something cold on my hands. "OKAY NOW OPEN!".

I open my eyes to see a key, there were no engravings on it, so I was a little confused. He could tell I was confused so he began to explain "So you know those apartments you really wanted?" My heart skips a beat and my face gets red "you didn't" "heehee I did".

I practically tackled him down and gave him a hug. "I take it your excited?" "ARE YOU KIDDING? Of fucking course I am!" We both giggled. I got on top of him, straddling him. I bent over and gave him a long meaning full kiss and then showered him with kisses.

I hear the door begin to open, I look over to see my parents looking over proudly. "You guys knew didn't you", "Y/n we knew weeks ago", I look over to Eli and playfully punched him "How long have you been planning this?" "Since the day I left" he says giving me a small grin.

He sits up and we hugged for a good while. "We better start packing" I say "We brought a bunch of empty boxes in the car", my parents said. My heart was beating so fast I couldn't contain my excitement.

I give Eli another kiss before looking back at my parents in the door way, they were now accompanied by Lilith "So I take it you got the news?" "YOU KNEW TOO?" "Honey I've known since you even brought up those apartments to Eli" I feel tears filling up my eyes, not tears of sadness, but tears of pure joy. Eli wipes away my tears saying "No time to cry, we have to pack". I jolted up, "mom, dad go get the boxes from your car, and Eli, Lilith, you guys help get stuff ready to be boxed" "Yes madam" Eli says while bowing. "Wait, when can we start moving into the apartment?" I asked concerned, "umm" Eli says looking at his clock "since about... yesterday" I get even more excited and give him another hug.

We spend the rest of the day packing and talking. Once all the boxes were packed and set outside, I go to bring some boxes into the car to see my dad driving a small U-Haul truck "I heard someone called for a moving service" he said in a heavy southern accent while tipping his hat. We both burst out laughing. He helps me pack the truck.

Once all the boxes were in, I hopped in the truck with my dad and everyone else hopped in Lilith's car. We drove the 10 minutes to the apartment building. Once he parked the truck he looks at me "I can't believe you're all grown up" he says tearing up "don't be so cheesy dad" I say giving him a hug "I'm only a 15 minute drive if you need me" "I know dad". We break from our hug and get out of the car.

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