The day before he leaves

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I woke up to Eli cuddling me, just like every day before. But today was a day with a sad hue. I could hear the rain dripping into the gutters and slamming against the windows. It was if God was sad too. Today was the day before he was leaving. I got up to go make breakfast till it all went black. The last thing I heard was a loud bang.

I could hear faint yelling "Y/N Y/N!". It was Eli. In my state of total darkness I get comfort in his voice. His voice was reassuring.

I woke up in an ambulance with Eli and Lilith standing with me. They both looked sad. It wasn't like the movies where it sounded hectic in the ambulance, it was calm. I then fell back into darkness.

I woke up in the hospital bed. A familiar sight, but last time I was here was almost a year ago.
As I began to regain full consciousness, I could feel my head pounding. I turned to see Eli holding my hand. I squeezed my hand around his, feeling the IV needle in my arm. He looked up at me with sad eyes. I looked away quickly, to see Lilith asleep in a chair in the corner.
"How are you feeling"'Eli said. I swallowed hard, feeling discomfort from the feeding tube that was in my throat. I didn't need an explanation, I knew what happened. I looked back up at him. "My head hurts" "Yeah you banged your head on the dresser, but you are fine, you will just have a headache for a while"

He looked me in the eyes. I felt my heart sink. There was so much sadness in his eyes and it was all my fault. I just sat there in silence.

We both sat there in silence until he spoke up "why didn't you tell me?".
I felt a lump in my throat. I knew not eating was killing me from the inside out but I couldn't stop. The one person I should have told, I didn't. It all came back to bite me on my last day with him.

Why am I like this. I couldn't answer his question. He just looked at me and said "It's ok I'm here for you". I was about to start crying, but I didn't have the energy.

By this point I could see Lilith slowly waking up. Then there was a knock at the door. It was the doctor. He replaced my head wrapping. He gave me a couple options of what I wanted to do. I felt that group housing was the best option. I would be there for six months, with on sight therapists and 3 full meals a day.

Eli looked up at me "I am not going home with you like this" my heart sank even further. "No, you need to go home", this was all my fault. "Not with you like this" you knew he needed to go home to see his family. "You can come pick me up the day I get out, how about that", he seemed unconvinced.

By this time I could see Lilith had finally opened her eyes. She got up and put her hand on Eli's back. "Talk with me outside Eli" she said, he got up to leave the room, he kissed me on the forehead before leaving. As soon as he let go of my hand, I noticed it wasn't my hand that was shaking, it was his. The doctor asked me some routine questions before they came back in. The doctor then excused himself.

Eli then sad back down into his previous position with Lilith now holding my other hand, we all sat in silence for a few seconds before Eli said "I'll be back to pick you up the second I can", I looked up at him and smiled, "perfect" I whispered. I looked over at Lilith, she put on a smile but I could tell she was upset.
I have caused them so much pain, all because I didn't help myself when I knew I needed it.

They stayed with me, all of us talking until we were all tired. Lilith and I fell asleep quickly, when I woke up, Eli was already awake. He had been awake all night. He looked tired. Lilith woke up a little bit later. He had to leave today.

Him and Lilith left for the house, packing all of his stuff before coming back.
When they walked in, he looked sadder than I had seen him in a while. I got up, and waddled over to him, bringing my IV back with me. I quickly wrapped my arms around him and he did the same, the longer we were hugging, the tighter he squeezed. He clearly didn't want to let go, and neither did I.

Lilith than said "It's time to go Eli", as he let go, I looked up at him and saw him crying. He was trying to hide it but he wasn't very good at it. I looked up at him, "It's going to be ok, I'm going to be ok" I say.

I now had a new found motivation, to get better for myself so that I can have a future, one hopefully involving him. He gave me one last hug before they left.
As soon as the door closed I began to cry.

A few minutes later a doctor came in to take out my IV along with a nurse. She saw me crying and just gave me the most comforting hug I've received in a long time. She told me I was going to be alright before taking out my IV. She sat on my bed and talked to me about her life, I quietly listened, she asked me a few questions but she noticed I wasn't in yo mood to talk and began babbling on. It was a great distraction.

Lilith walked in. The nurse than says "it's time to go get your things, I will be the one going with you to your house, helping you pack your things and taking you to the group home" Lilith looked at me "you ready" she said. I looked up at her "Yes". I put my own clothes on, happy to get out of that gown that was practically a napkin.

I got into Lilith's car, the nurse lady following us. They helped me pack my things. I got on my phone, Knowing he would still be on his plane, I texted him for the last time for a while.

I got in Lilith's car and headed for the house. It was a pretty long ride but Lilith and I talked the entire time.

Once we got there, I went inside, found my room and unpacked my bags. I made myself comfortable.
I was ready for the next 6 months.

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