The sweatshirt

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I felt like I could lay here forever this is so peaceful. It was a little windy but Eli's body was so warm. I feel my phone vibrate and I go to look at it, when I do I notice that I had long sleeves on, I'm pretty sure I left the house in a t-shirt. Then I remembered, this is the sweatshirt Eli was wearing. Oh my god I could sit here forever. It smelled just like him. I closed my eyes to soak up the moment.

I quickly snap out of my daze when my phone goes off again. I look at it to see a text from Lilith. Uh oh this can't be good:
Answer me
Where are you
Your not at the park are you ok
Sorry we both fell asleep
You had me worried
we are fine, sorry
Ok well come back
Ok not sure how far we tho

I really don't want to get up. As soon as I put my phone away, I felt Eli hold me tighter. He then says "Goodmorning" "Goodmorning, I gotta say Eli you are mighty comfortable" he smiles. Why did I say that, that was cringe ew. Eli then says "So are you" my face is beating red now. "Eli we have to get up" "five more minutes" oh my god his morning voice. "No we have to go back to the house" I tried to get up but he held me down.
We sat there for 5 more minutes then we got up and walked home.

As we arrived at the house we had to manage to sneak around back, thank god there are a lot of bushes here or we would have been screwed.

As we were crouching, he grabbed my hand and quickly pulled me over to his guest house.

When we got to his room I realized I was still wearing his sweatshirt so before I went out the window I said "hold on let me give you your sweatshirt back" "oh you don't have to" "I'm not going to let Lilith see me in your sweatshirt you know how she is" "yeah true". I begin to take the sweatshirt off, my shirt got caught in it and Eli noticed and quickly turned around, "What" "umm your shirt" "I have a bra on and it only lifted to show my stomach calm down pretty boy" he blushed hard, his face was very red.

I then opened the window and walked back to my room.

Oh my god what the hell was last night. I thought, I immediately began blushing. At that very moment Lilith comes in to see me on the bed and begins to question me about what happened last night and why we never came home, I explained everything except the parts where me and Eli were a little too close.

I then got up, put some new clothes on and headed down stairs for breakfast, still thinking about the bench, and what could have possibly happened that I don't remember.

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