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I quickly put my shirt on and opened the door. It was Eli "hey can we talk?" "Yeah sure come in". We sat on the bed next to each other. He was looking deep into my eyes, I was doing the same. I felt the need to apologize so I said "I'm so sorry about Lilith, that was my fault" "don't worry about it, hey ya know Lilith told me something" "oh really what did she s-" I was cut off by his lips pressing against mine. Neither of us pulled away. It was a tame kiss but it meant so much. Until Lilith barged in and blurted our "Well looks like you two are doing just fine" we all giggled.

Eli and I spent the entire rest of the vacation together. We packed up our stuff and brought it to the car. Eli came out and gave me the biggest hug. "I'm gonna miss you" "me too" "WAIT we should stream together, give me your discord" "Oh yeah of course it's @ranboo#6400" "WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE YOU WERE RANBOO THIS WHOLE TIME" "Haha yeah" he says rubbing the back of his neck. "WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME" "uh I was nervous" "your so dumb" "shut up" he grabbed me an took me in for a long hug. He is so confortable.

"Wait a minute Lilith did you know this" she grins in an evil way "why did you think I shipped you too so hard" we all laughed. Eli chimes in "Oh wait here take my phone number so we can FaceTime" "FaceTime? Mr Faceless Streamer? How interesting." "Oh come on now" he pulls me in for another hug. This one was longer than the others. In this hug it felt like he was putting real emotion into it, I really liked it.

Lilith then broke us apart by saying "It's time to go, we have to leave now or we will get stuck in traffic" He squeezed me tightly then let go of me. I got in the car and waved goodbye.

We pulled out of the driveway, the farther we went, the sadder I became. "Y/n don't be so sad, you can stream with him and he can come visit, he barely goes to school anyway" I gave a half smile. All I wanted was to hug him.

I heard my phone buzz, it was him FaceTiming me. I answered "hello mr. Boo" "don't call me that" "no thanks" we both giggled. "Hey so I called you with news" "ooh ok tell me" "so basically I'm going to west Virginia for Christmas!" "STOP are you lying?" "I- no why would I lie about that" "oh shut up, but seriously I'm so excited" "me too" "ok well I have to go, I have to load up my car" "bye" "bye". He hung up the call.
"he's such a dork" "HEY don't talk about my mans like that, hhaha your right tho"
For the rest of the car ride I was restless with excitement, December couldn't come any sooner.

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