Part Nineteen

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Today was my 7 month OB appointment, I was now about 30 weeks pregnant and as ready as I could be to meet my baby. I know I still have 2 months to go but I want to meet my child so badly. Alex and I still hadn't find out the sex of the baby and didn't know if we wanted to know. I was sitting at the kitchen island eating my breakfast when Zola walked in and sat on the chair next to me.

"Auntie Jo," she started looking at me and then at my big belly. "Do you know if it is a boy or a girl yet?"

"No, I don't know. Your uncle Alex and I haven't decided if we want to know before the baby is born or if we want it to be a surprise." I said redirection all my attention from my breakfast to the curious girl sitting next to me.

"Can I know? Can mommy and me surprise you with a party to find out? Pleeeaaase!" Zola asked me with a cute smile on her face and with her puppy eyes looking right into my eyes.

I looked at her and told her I would ask her uncle Alex if that is okay for him and then she needs to ask het mommy if she wanted to help her. Her face turned all happy, she jumped off of the chair, gave me a hug and ran up the stairs to Meredith.

On my way to the hospital I got a call from Mer asking me what Zola told me exactly and what I wanted. I told her that I was going to talk to Alex later today when we had our appointment and that I'll find her after but that if Alex was in Zola could do her gender reveal party for us. Meredith started laughing and told me that Zola hasn't stopped coming up with ideas and is already looking forward to meeting your baby and telling him or her all about everything. I hang up the phone while walking in the hospital and went straight to the attending's lounge. 

In the attending's lounge I made myself a tea and sat down at the table to drink it. Link walked in a few minutes later and joined me at the table.

"Hey you!" He said as he walked in.

"Hey Link."

"How are you and the baby doing?" He asked looking at me and then at my belly.

"We are doing very well. I am tired and my feet hurt all the time but it is all worth it." I said rubbing my belly.

We talked and drank our drinks before I got paged to the ER. I went down and met Shepherd in trauma room 3. We assessed the injuries and decided to take the patient to the OR. Amelia stop a brain bleed and I had to take out a part of the liver. Everything went smooth and we scrubbed out.

It was now time for my OB appointment and I met Alex in the waiting room. I looked at my phone to see the time and we had 5 minutes until my appointment. I told him about how excited Zola was about a gender reveal party and he started laughing. He said that he would love it if she organized something cute for us to find out the gender so I quickly texted Mer so she could tel Zola.

"Jo." Carina said from one of the exam rooms. We walked in and I laid on the exam table with my short up.

"Would you like to know the sex today?" She asked putting the cold gel on my belly.

"You can write it on a piece of paper and give it to Mer later today." I said smiling at her. She nodded and put the wand on my belly.

She looked at the baby and told us everything looked perfect. She turned the monitor and looked at the sex and then gave me some paper towels to clean the gel. We made a new appointment and left the room.

Alex and I went to the attending's lounge and sat on the couch and talked about our perfect little baby. I felt a flutter in my stomach and soon realized the baby was kicking. I grabbed Alex's hand and placed it on on my belly. He felt the little kick and looked at me with the biggest smile on his face. We stayed feeling the little kicks until Mer walked in.

She had a little paper in her hand and I knew exactly what it was. She put it away in her purse and sat across from me. We talked about Zola's plans and laughed at her excitement, it is so cute.

We both worked until 5 and went home. We ate our dinner and I went to go lay in bed.

Zola and Meredith went to the living room and opened the paper she got from Carina. On it was the gender and she was super excited for Jo to find out she was having a...

*A/N I'm so sorry for the lack of updates but school has been killing me and I just haven't had the time to write. This is a short chapter and ik it is not that good but it was time to give you guys an update. Also give me some names for the baby boy/girl x

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