Part Twenty One

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A couple of weeks passed and my due date was getting very close now. Everyone was telling me to slow down and take some days off but I insisted on working until I couldn't anymore. Alex and I had been talking about names for our baby girl and have found many options but we both know that we will only know for sure when she is born.

"Jo, are you ready for work?" Meredith yelled from down the stairs.

"Yes, I'll be down in a minute." I tell back as I put down the baby clothes we already bought. I love going through all of the stuff we already got and I cannot wait to come back here one day with my baby girl.

Mer and I leave for work dropping off her kids at school first. We made our way through the lobby and to the attending's lounge where we change into our scrubs. I didn't fit in the regular ones so I had to take the scrubs with the elastic waistband and an extra large scrub top. I put away my bag and clothes and made my way down to the surgical floor. I looked over the board and saw a scheduled surgery with Link in 30 minutes. I walked down to pre-op, looked over the scans and made my way down to the OR. I was met my Link and a few residents in the scrub room. We scrubbed our hands, put on our masks and walked in the OR.

"Have you picked a name yet?" Link asked looking up from the open femer and at me.

"We have a couple of names we live but nothing is sure yet. We feel like it is best to wait until we have her in our arms." I responded suturing the liver.

"Can I hear some of the names or do you want to keep then to yourself?"

"I'll tell you some of my favorites so you can tell me what you think." I started looking at him and flashing him a smile from under my mask. "I really love the names Luna and Emma. I have loved them since I was a little girl. I hope that when I see her one of the names will fit perfectly, if not we have others that I really love but these two Iove the most."

"Jo, those are such cute names. I love them too. I already know that your little girl will be one lucky baby."

We finished the surgery and went to the cafeteria to get something to eat. I texted Mer and asked of she wanted to come with us and she met us there. We all grabbed a plate and put some food on it. Mer and I both picked a salad and Link, he obviously took fries once again. We all walked over to our usual table and ate our food. We talked and laughed about a lot. Mer got paged away so it was just me and Link again. We finished our food and walked to the attending's lounge once again, I was I need of some rest. My feet were killing me, standing in the OR for so long was a lot more exhausting now that I was super pregnant. I sat on the couch and put up my feet. I laid my head back and closed my eyes for a second. I must have fallen asleep cause when I was woken by my pager going off 2 hours had passed. I looked down and saw a 911 page from Link and stood up immediately. I walked as fast as I could and arrived in the ICU to see my patient coding. We did CPR and shocked the patient several times but they did not respond.

"Time of death, 15:45." I heard Link say before walking out of the ICU room.

The rest of the day went by very fast. I made my way down to the pit to find Mer and asked what time she was leaving to go back home tonight. Mer and I made this deal that we were always going to work and home together in case something were to happen. If either one of us was on call or needed to stay late the other did too. We worked the same schedules and if a surgery went long the other stayed in an on call room or took on some extra cases in the pit. Mer tomd me she was just finishing up some paper work and that we should be able to leave in about an hour. I told her to then just meet me in the attending's lounge and I made my way up there. I put myself on the couch once again before changing into my regular clothes. I looked at my phone to see a message from Izzie.

Hey Jo, it's me Izzie. I just wanted to let you know that Alex and I are going to get some last minute stuff for the baby and wondered if you would like to come with us. Let me know if you want to come and we can pick you up.

I did not expect to get this text from her but I was pleasantly surprised by it. I quickly texted her back letting her know i would love to go with them tomorrow and asked what time they would be picking me up. As I hit send Meredith walked into the attending's lounge and asked why I was smiling at my phone. I told her about the message and she said that she was really happy that it all is goi g so well between a of us. We changed into our regular clothes and made our way home. Once home I went straight to bed and fell asleep once my head touched my pillow.

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