Part Thirteen

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The last 3 days were very busy at the hospital. I had performed what seemed like a thousand surgeries and did a million consults. I haven't been home much, everytime I got home I got paged to the hospital again. I did always go because I knew that once I am further along I won't be able to do such crazy shifts at the hospital. I enjoy work while I still could.

I decided to go take a quick nap in the on call room while I had the time. It was now 10pm and I had some free time in between surgeries. I went to the on call room on the 3 floor and picked out a bed. I laid down and fell asleep almost immediately. After what felt like a minute my pager woke me up. I looked at the time and it said 11pm so I did get 1 hour of sleep so that is one good thing. I looked at my pager and it said 911 from Meredith. I stood up and ran up to the OR where she was performing a surgery. I scrubbed in as fast as I could and while entering asked her what she needed.

"Jo get in here, I need more hands." She said not taking her eyes off the surgical field.

I ran over to the table and helped her stop a big bleeder. We got the patient to stop bleeding but right after he started coding and bleeding intensively again. We did everything we could but unfortunately the patient had already lost too much blood and the damage was irreversible.

"Time of death 11.58pm." Meredith said looking at the clock hanging on the OR wall. We left the OR and scrubbed out. Meredith thanked me for helping and asked if I wanted to come and tell the family the news. We left the scrub room and went to inform the family. Like any other time informing the family is one of the hardest parts of this job. You have to tell them that their loved one has died on your watch. You tell them you did everything thing you could but that despite that their loved one didn't make it. It never gets easier telling someone this news. Now that I was pregnant and with all the hormones I felt myself getting emotional and excused myself and left. I went to the nearest supply closet and released all the tears I felt building up in my tear canal. I sat down on a chair that I found and let everything go. I think I cried for a good 5 minutes and got myself together. I left the supply closet and went down to the pit to find Mer. When I arrived in the pit I got pulled into trauma 1 for a consult. The patient was thrown out of her car onto the sidewalk. I checked her belly and saw a lot of internal bleeding not knowing where it was coming from, I ordered my intern to call up the OR and letting them know we were coming up.

My inters and me ran up to the OR. When I arrived there Lincoln was already waiting for us. While I opened up her stomach he repaired her open femur fracture. When I got a good look at the girl's stomach I saw that she had a shattered liver and spleen, both of them needed to be removed. I let my intern call UNOS to hear if they had a liver for my patient. 10 minutes after my intern came back telling me there was a liver available and that they were flying it over to the hospital, arriving in about 3 hours. The timing was perfect, when the liver arrived I was almost done with the removal of hers and her spleen. We put the new liver in perfectly and closed her up.

In the scrub room Link and I were alone, just the 2 of us. He looked at me and then down at my belly. He looked back at me and gave me a big smile.

" I will be the uncle right?" He asked me while laughing.

"Of course you will. Who else would I pick?" I gave him a little push laughing at his comment.

"I will spoil him or her that they will love me so much."

"Ok you crazy don't get to crazy. We still have a long road ahead of us."

"Have you told anyone else about the baby?"

"You, Meredith, Alex, Izzie and the chief are the only ones that know about it for now. I will be telling people soon but I need a little more time."

"I get that, you know you can take all the time you want and I'm here of you need me for anything."

We hugged and left the scrub room. We went down to the attending's lounge and grabbed some coffee. I was getting really tired, the baby really was taking a lot of my energy. I sat on the couch and closed my eyes for a moment. I woke up from all the noise in the attending's lounge, people were talking really loud. I turned around and saw Amelia, Link and Mer talking to each other. I turned back around and tried to get some more sleep, I had one surgery planned for today at 10am and then I would go to the on call room to get some more sleep and get ready for an afternoon in the pit again.

Meredith woke me up at 9.30am letting me know I had 30 minutes left to get ready for my surgery. I had a routine splenectomy planned so the surgery wouldn't take that long. I thanked Mer and went to go tell my intern to prep the patient and to meet me in OR 3. The surgery went very smooth and 2 hours later I was done.
It was now noon so I texted Mer asking her if she wanted to go eat lunch together. She met me in the cafeteria and we sat down, ate our lunch and talked.

We both went on with our work and at 7pm Meredith left the hospital to go home. I was still in surgery and was hoping to be out by 8 so I could get home in time and sleep early today. Luckily for me the surgery ended at 7.30pm and I went to scrub out. I grabbed my stuff and went down to my car. I stepped in the car and drove home. On my way home all I could think about was how I was going to tell everyone at the hospital I was pregnant, most of them probably already suspected it but now it would be official. I was so in my thoughts that I didn't see the other car coming and before I knew it everything went black...

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