Part Sixteen

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Alex's POV

I spent the night at the hospital next to Jo. I didn't want to leave her side when she was like this. Meredith had been checking on her hourly but she hasn't been stable enough yet to go back to the OR. It was now 9am and I woke up to Meredith entering the room once again to check Jo's vitals and run her labs. When she checked everything she came over to me and took my hand. she sat next to me and told me that I should go to the attending's launch, take a shower and go get something to eat. Jo still wasn't stable enough and I needed to go get some air to breath so I did what Meredith told me and went down to take a shower, took something from the cafeteria and went outside to eat it. I called Izzie and updated her on Jo's condition. She told me that she and the twins were coming to Seattle and were going to stay at an hotel so that I could stay with Jo and have my family by my side. Izzie and the kids were going to take a flight this afternoon arriving in the early evening. When I went back inside I saw a Carina looking at the fetal monitor, I went to sit next to Jo and looked at her with a worried look. Carina noticed my worried look and told me everything looked good and that I didn't need to worry about it. Carina left the room and I took Jo's hand and talked to her.

"Did you hear that Jo, our baby is fine. Our baby is fine and you have to be too Jo, we need you. I know I left you for Izzie but Jo you still are someone I really care about and if you don't make it through this I don't know if I will. You have to fight! You hear me, fight for our soon to be little family. Jo I will always love you, you know that so fight. Don't leave Meredith, me and all the others, we are your family and we need you. Jo I am so sorry about leaving you, I...I love you." Tears were running down my face, thinking about what we have been through and the way I left her. I really hurt her, I should have done this all differently.

"We are the only family we need right?"

I told her that we were the only family we needed and i left her, I left her. For my children I made the right decision, I love Izzie and my kids very much but I do still love Jo. Being away from her made it clear that I will never be able to let her go completely, she will always have a special place in my heart. I never thought I would fall this hard for an intern but Jo, she was, she is a very special girl. The first time I told her I loved her and our first kiss are memories I cherish forever. We went through a lot but we always came our the other and better side.

"Jo I love you so don't let go please." I redirected my attention back to her.

All of a sudden her heart monitor started beeping, showing her heartrate slowing down, dropping very fast. I pushed the blue button behind her head and told the nurses to page Meredith. Arriving about a minute later Meredith checked Jo's wounds and then her pupils. She told the nurses to page neuro and OB and told them to take Jo to the OR.

"It looks like she has a new brain bleed that needs to be evacuated directly. We are taking her up now in the hope Amelia gets it put before she develops permanent damage. I'll update you as soon as possible, I promise." Meredith told me right before leaving the room and heading to the OR.

Meredith's POV

I got a 911 page from Alex and ran as fast as I could to Jo's room. When I entered her cardiac medicine was beeping like crazy, I went to check her wounds which seemed fine and then her pupils, one being dilated. I figured she probably had a new brain bleed and told the nurses to page neuro and peds. This bleed needed to be evacuated right now and when in surgery the baby needed to be monitored. I was going to be in the surgery to keep an eye on her abdomen. Before leaving I told Alex what was happening.

Amelia was ready waiting for me in the OR. I scrubbed in as fast as I could and entered the OR at the same time as Carina. We both stood next to the operating table, Carina keeping an eye on the fetal monitor and me on Jo herself. Amelia had a hard time trying to stop the bleed without damaging the brain. During the surgery the baby had some changes in their heartbeat but nothing to be worried about yet.

After the surgery I asked everyone of her doctors to update me on her situation. Amelia told me that it was now a matter of waiting before she could know for sure if there was any brain damage. Carina told me that the baby was fine but that the surgery put a lot of stress on the little one and that Jo had to rest before heading into a next surgery. I asked Carina if their was something to happen to the baby of she would be able to handle it and she told me she was not sure about it but she would do her absolute best to make sure everything went good. Jo was definitely not stable enough to repair the damage in her abdomen but it needed to be done rather sooner than later.

I went to the attending's lounge and took out my phone and called the one person I knew we needed in this moment.

"Hello?" I heard on the other line.

"Hey, we need you here right now. Do you think you can get here by tomorrow?" I said before letting them get an other word out.

"What happened?" I heard in a worried tone.

"It's Jo, Jo Wilson she needs you."

"I'll be at the hospital tomorrow morning."

I hang up the phone and sat down on the couch. One of the persons I cared about the most was in a lot of pain and unconscious in a hospital bed. I can't help her until she gets more stable bit when would that be and how would she come out of this all?
I decided to go to an on-call room and get some rest in the hope that when I wake up Jo would be more stable.

*A/N ok so this part is written at 1am after having a breakdown and crying for several hours so I'm sorry that it is not very good. This part is not really how I wanted it to be but yea...I hope you still enjoy it.

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