Chapter 19: Dream

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         3 days have passed and the sound of hissing hasn't gone away. It was annoying and y/n felt like his brain just wanted him to die but he knew it had to be the shell shock from 3 days ago right? Hopefully. It was Dinner night at Technos and Phil's house. Y/N was catching fish in the water while Wilbur waited on the boat for y/n to come up. Wilbur was strimming a tune as he waited to keep himself occupied. Y/N was catching fish as he went. Hearing the muffled tune from above him. He was on his last fish to catch until he saw himself at the bottom of the ocean floor. He was in his old L'manberg uniform. He swam more to the ground floor reaching the bottom. His self still turned back from him. Y/N stepped closer until he was at least a foot away from himself. The boy from before, the happy boy from before, seemed to stand with ease. 
       "Dream, you're here." His past self said. Y/N raised a brow. He doesn't remember this. When the past y/n turned around it was clear blue skies with barely any clouds, he was next to the L'man tree and right in front of him was none other than Dream himself. Y/N mouth open in a gasp before closing it fast. 
      "What do you want?" Dream answered. 
"Temper Temper.. I just wanted to make a deal is all." Y/Ns hands went up showing he had No weapons on him. Dream groaned. 
 "And why would I make a deal with you?" He made a fair point. Y/N was wondering where this was going. The past y/n seemed to smile before placing his hands down and cupping them. 
  "Well you see Dream. This is more of a promise I ask of you. I only said Deal so you would come and it seems to have worked. I'm here to say when L'manberg falls, which it will, I want you to leave Tommy and Wilbur alone." Y/N said with stone cold eyes. Dream seems to hold his trident tightly. He let out a quick exhale shifting his body weight to his other side and a hand on his hip. 
 "Ok. And why would I do that?" Dream said with annoyance. 
      " because Dream, a God's word, is a human unbroken promise. I have gifted Wilbur and Tommy.. the gift of freedom. The gift of wings to reach higher than the sun." Y/N admitted this made Dream more angry than before. 
  "You did what?" His grip tightened more on the trident. Y/N Smile grew more as he placed his hands down and walked closer to dream. 
    "You. You can't hurt Tommy or Wilbur. If you do Dream. You will be cursed. This goes with anyone. Killing wilbur or Tommy. You will Drop everything you ever loved. Everything you have gained will be gone and forever gone. No matter how much you try to grasp that love back it won't happen unless you come to me to apologize but until that day. Every second and every day your life will no longer contain that love, and you will lose your beloved George and Best Friend Sapnap." Y/N said with a serious tone circling Dream like a predator. 
   "It was a mistake letting a god come here on MY Server. MY world." Dream spit with fire looking at y/n with daggers. All y/N did was laugh before stopping in front of Dream again. 
     "My boy. You are not a god the last time I checked. You are merely an Angel that Craves the power of a god. I am here to Keep YOU from getting to over your head.. more gods will come and not just little old me. Many powerful gods will put you in your place. And I can't wait to see you be powerless when that day comes." Y/N laughed before the "memory faded. Present y/n was confused even more. He went back up from the water to the boat and placed the fish in the box. He gasped for air holding on the boat, his hair dripped into the boat. Wilbur placed his guitar down and lifted his sleeves to lift y/n back into the boat. Wilbur saw that y/n's face was puzzled. As he lifted the man in the boat he gave him a towel. 
   "Are you alright love? You looked troubled." Wilbur asked while y/n dried his arms and face. He looked up at wilbur before back at the towel drying himself off. Wilbur gave him a spare change of clothes. 
    "I saw myself again. In the water this time. I was talking with Dream.." y/N answered as he unbuttoned his wet shirt and changed to a new one. Wilbur raised a brow and waited for more. 
    "It was weird… it felt like a memory.. a memory I can't remember.." y/n scoffed as he changed into new pants and trousers. Wilbur started to row when y/n stopped changing. Y/N looked at the water as they moved back to shore. 
       "It sounds weird but i'm sure it isn't that bad. '' Wilbur said with a smile making y/n smile and nod. They got to shore and started walking to Phil and Techno's house. Once they got in, Phil already had the fire going for fish. Everything seems to be going well. Ranboo was talking with Techno about his silk touch hands and how in panic situations he can teleport. Techno laughs seem to always make everyone in the room smile and feel at home in some way. 

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