Chapter 14: Trapped

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Y/N woke up in a carriage, he saw a jester mask in his lap, it was handcrafted by someone, it was very pretty and memorizing too. There was a ribbon of red and black at the ends of the mask and at the bottom of the ribbons was bells, colorful ones, it made Y/N feel happy however somehow sad and he couldn't explain it. He looked at his now covered hands, the gloves he wore felt of silk and looked of a pearl white fabric. He looked at how nice his clothes were, this was way to Elegant and Extravagant for him to wear and colorful almost. He looked to see that the carriage was also quite beautiful and almost graceful. Y/N was honestly quite confused about the whole situation. He saw a butler in the carriage with him, he looked to be a scrawny boy with a mask that reminded Y/N of someone but he couldn't remember who.
"Excuse me my dear boy but where are we going?" Y/N politely asked, seeing the boy clear his throat and adjust his posture.
"How many words?" The Boy asked. Y/N looked at him with confusion.
"Uh until i tell you to stop." Y/N questioned as he looked at the boy with even more questions. He grunted again.
"Sir, Billiam has invited you to his ball party, you didn't have a carriage sense your husband's Mr. Soot couldn't send you one, I'm sorry for your loss on the trip b-by the way. I'm sure Sir. Billiam will help you the best he can Sir." The Boy spoke off, Y/N felt his heart drop, he gulped and nodded, the memories that he didn't know he had came back, his husband, Mr. Soot was such a gentle husband, one that any woman or even any man would have wanted. He looked at the mask that sat on his lap. He started to play with the ribbon to ease his mind but it seemed to make it feel worse.
"My dear, the only jester that'll ever make me smile and laugh is you my love. You're my jester. " Mr. Soot's voice echoed through Y/N's head as he smiled at the small memory.
"Thank you,,,, um my boy what is your name?" Y/N asked as he wiped his teary eyes with a cloth. The boy fiddled with his hands. "My name, well I-I uh I don't have one and w-well, Mr. Billiam calls me B-Butler, so call Me Butler. '' the boy replied with a small smile. Y/N was the only one who gave him permission to speak, it felt so good to be able to speak to someone. Y/N smiled, the carriage came to a hult and the butler came out first to open the doors. Y/N stepped out to the bright blue sky, he placed a hand on his face to cover from the bright lights, he adjusted to the outside and placed on his mask, seeing another man, a man wearing strange clothing to fit in sorta along with other rich blooks. He walked with the butler inside, seeing Sir Billiam talk to the rather tall man he saw outside not long ago. He wore vibrant coloured clothes, seeing them in a closer view was still stange, why did they look like that Y/N pounders. The Man's mask was a glittery purple, his hair was a light brown and covered his eyes a bit but you can see his vibrant hazel eyes But looking from a far view seem brown.
"Master Billiam, someone came in!" The purple masked man said with excitement it seemed. Y/N looked up seeing the Pig man who gave a small smile, his eyes were a ruby red that striked pride and glory. Sir. Billiam was Y/N's closest friend. He introduced William Soot, Y/Ns formal husband, to Y/N all those years ago. Y/N was forever grateful to Billiams gratitude for finding him. They had gotten closer to each other after being married, Billiam and Y/N were both what you could say had an "odd" friendship. They always did things for each other and did the unbelievable. Seeing Billiam again made y/n feel joy, thank god he still had Billiam he didn't know what he would do without him.
"Ah! Thank goodness you arrived, I've missed you so!" Sir Billiam welcomed Y/N in Welcoming arms, they greeted each other with a hug. It was a long comfort hug before Billiam let go and held Y/N hands. He rubbed his thumbs in his knuckles and sighed a great sadness. Y/N held his fingers anxiously. He knew what Billiam was gonna bring up.
"I'm so terribly sorry for what happened to Soot. He was my best man.. Don't worry, he would've been happy to see what you have accomplished my dear. Come! Come! My dear, this my new friend, Karl, he is a streamer, you could say." Sir billion gestured to karl who smiled with glee, he waved at Y/N. Y/N smiled and waved at the brunette.
"Mr. Soot? What happened to him?" Karl asked not to be rude towards the Widowed man. Y/N couldn't help but sigh, before Billiam could say anything y/n tapped him with his fan giving it the ok. Y/N looked at his fan. Did he have that the whole time he wondered? Memories came to Y/N like a flash, he didn't know why but this seemed to fake for him, he felt himself be werry, he couldn't think of the word he was trying to say but he knew that this wasn't his body. These aren't his memories. This isn't his life. He felt himself starting to panic, why was this, what's happening to him he thought, holding his head feeling dizzy, hearing voices that he didn't recognize, feeling helpless weld over him. He felt so wrong, this isn't his body he cried in his mind. Who is he, why is he like this.
"What is happening?" Y/N asked, feeling tears leave him, Karls eyes widened as Y/N looked at him in the eyes.
"This isnt my body...." Y/N whipped as he couldn't calm down. He started to shake and gasped his hair in panic.
"Who am i?!" He yelled as the voices overpowered his mind, he heard bombs, he heard a boy scream in his head, why couldn't he remember the boy? The walls started to peel, the ground shaked and everything started to distort as Y/N cried out. Why can't he remember? Why can't he remember anything?
"Whose body is this" was all he could say as he fell to his knees and cried as voices overlapped.
"Hey, Y/N." Karl seemed worried as he grabbed onto Y/Ns hand, Y/N Gasped seeing that everything was fine.

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