Chapter 13: Adams

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Spencer's POV:
I had finally asked her. The ring sat in my drawer for approximately 6 years until 5 hours and 26 minutes ago.
I had gotten the ring the last time I visited my mom when she lived in Vegas. Even though back then I never considered dating someone. Garcia squealed in happiness for us. Hotch gave me a warm-hearted smile. "Never would've ever thought you would get married pretty boy." Derek joked. I glanced over to Lexie and smiled. "Me neither." I replied.
Lexie and I went home and celebrated in not PG ways. She fell asleep in my arms, her safe place.
I woke up before her and looked down at her. I turned my head towards the side of her dresser, I acknowledged the ring sitting there. It made me smile, the best thing was that we both would never forget our wedding day. In fact we would never forget our time together. Most couples forget little details about a lot of thing on their wedding day and dates or events they've gone too.
For a moment, I forgot what I had to do today, I had to face Cat today again. I hated the idea of it. My blood boiled with the thought of having to be with Cat for most of the night.
Lexie would be calling her sister and friends, telling them the exciting news, and for me I would be spending time with the enemy instead of being with my fiancée.
Lexie had woken up. "You seriously have to stop staring at me." She said groggily. "You're just so pretty." I whispered while kissing her forehead. She rolled over facing me. "What do you want to do today?" She asked while smiling. My smile has shaken away. "I have to work, and there's something you have to know." I sighed. "A few years ago, we had this case with a woman named Cat. She was intelligent and saw through our act. I had lied to her about something, which tricked her into surrendering. I'm guessing it infuriated her, then she and another victim of an old case framed me for murder. I spent months in prison, she had told me so much about me that couldn't have been true but I believed her for the most part."
Lexie had frowned at my explanation. "Today, I have to see her again. I want you to come to work with me and stay at the BAU until she's taken back to prison." I continued. "Oh my god, Spence. I'm so sorry you had to go through that." Lexie said while pulling me into a hug. "It's fine now, I'm happy again, because of you." I smiled to try to make her feel better again. "I love you so much." She says while kissing me. I return her kiss.
*Lexie's POV*
After a few hours in bed, we got dressed and he drove me to the BAU. God I hated the fact he had to do this today. It annoyed me so much that we had barley just gotten engaged and that vile woman was about to make his life hell for a night. Spencer pulled into the parking lot. "You're going to have to sign in and get a visitor pass, okay?" Spencer said while opening the door.
It took a while but soon I was able to go through. We went up the elevator. "This is my desk here." Spencer chuckled while we walked through the desks. "They're waiting for us in the conference room." Spencer said. He opened the door for me and we walked into the room. The team had eyed us for a second. "Mr. and Mrs. Reid." Derek said while greeting us. "Let's get this over with." Spencer said annoyed.
Hotch had explained everything that was going to happen with Spencer and Cat tonight. There would be SWAT teams monitoring their every move. It was easy to tell Spencer didn't want to do this and that he was pressured into it.
"Remember keep her busy, try to see what she's up too." Prentiss reminded. "What if she genuinely wants to see him?" JJ said while looking at the file. "It's a possibility. Lexie's family is in Washington and I don't even think Cat is aware of the fact Reid has been in a relationship." Morgan said while looking up. Spencer groaned. "Can we not think like that in front of my Fiancée?" Spencer said short tempered. "It's fine Spence." I said stern. Everyone exchanged looks at our bickering.
"Here, come with me to my bat cave while they talk about it!" Garcia said to brighten the mood. She takes my hand and leads me to her office. "So have you told anyone yet?" She asks while opening her door. The room is filled of small knick knacks and toys. She rolls a chair into the room for me to sit on. "Not yet, I was planning on calling my sister with Spencer with me but that plans gone to the dumps." I explained. "You should still call her!" Penelope said happily. "Don't let that bitch steal your thunder!" Garcia laughed. I giggled and fidgeted with one of the toys she had handed to me. I put the toy down and reached for my phone. "Call her! I'll stay quiet and work!" Penelope said while spinning to her computer. I laughed and searched for Mer's contact.

Meredith: Hello?
Lexie: Hey! Are you busy?
Meredith: No, I'm at lunch with Cristina. What's up?
Lexie: Well I want to tell you something. No
Meredith: Okayyy, what is it?
Lexie: Spencer and I are engaged!
Meredith: What really?! That's amazing!
Cristina: What's amazing?
Meredith: Lexie's engaged!
Cristina: Oh wow! Congrats little grey.
Meredith: I'm really happy for you.
Lexie: Thank you, I'm really excited for us.
Meredith: Ah crap, my pager is going off. I'll talk to you later.
Lexie: Oh alright. Bye! Have fun with your surgery!
Meredith: Bye.

"Everything good?" Penelope asked while spinning towards me. "Yeah, it's hard to focus on this while Spencer is out there." I sighed. "He'll be fine, he's strong." She assured me. I smiled and nodded.
Penelope and I chatted the rest of the night, nothing really happened.
"Garcia." Rossi said through her ear piece. "What cooking spaghettio?" She asked. "They're all done. We're heading back right now." Rossi said before hanging up. Her face light up. "Good news?" I asked.
"Everything is fine. Pretty boy is safe and secure." She said while holding two thumbs up.  I let out a sigh of relief.
After 40 minutes. Everyone walked out of the elevator. Penelope grabbed my hand and lead me to them. When I stepped out of her office, I saw Spencer with a cut on his cheek. I ran over to him. "What happened?!" I asked while examining it. "I said something that ticked her off and she punched me." Spencer mumbled. "Jeez! You're going to need stitches." I spoke. Derek let out a laugh. "Perks of being engaged to a surgeon." Spencer joked. I laughed at his comment. "Sutures are my thing." I laughed.
We had gone to the clinic near the local hospital, it reminded me of the one back home. It was taking a while for a nurse or someone to come in. "You know, I could've done this myself if I had the proper stuff." I said annoyed. Spencer chuckled.
I started pacing before someone came in. From the looks of it, she was an intern. Spencer had almost read my mind and laughed at the same time I did. "I'm sorry about the wait! Everyone is backed up at the moment. I was supposed to scrub in but they sent me down here to the clinic, even though it's practically empty besides you two and that old man." She rambled. I blinked a few times annoyed. Spencer smiled at me. She numbed his cheek. Spencer winced. She hesitated over the instruments next to her.
"Sorry this is my first time doing this." She said anxious. "Are you an intern?" I asked. She nodded. "Okay, remember in medical school when they made you practice on silicone?" I asked trying to boost her. "Yeah! I was good at those." She laughed. "Pretended  that he is the silicone but still be gentle." I said while demonstrating.
It took 5 minutes and then she was done. "Oh wow! Are you a nurse or something?" She asked while filling the paperwork. "Actually I'm a neurosurgeon." I said proudly. "That's what I want to specialize in!" She said happily. "Do you want anything for the pain later on?" She asked. "No." Spencer said quickly. She nodded her head.
After everything that got signed over, we left.
We walked through the starry night towards our car. "You okay?" I asked while still walking. "I'm better now. Just happy that it is over." He hugged me tightly. "I love you so much." He said. "I love you too."

A/n: This chapter was pretty long! This chapter is based on 15x06 on Criminal Minds. Instead of seeing Max in the apartment. They went to a private dinner and played a game like they did in Aubrey's first appearance on the show. Spencer said something and she punched him, that was what happened during the date.

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