Chapter 10: Pop Muzik

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Spencer and I had finished my packing last night after our conversation and little dance. Surprising he wasn't bad.
When you take two geniuses and put them in a room together full of activities, stuff gets done pretty fast. We were able to box all of my clothes, shoes, and little extra things, we also got all the stuff I was donating packed up to drop off at a thrift store, cleaned the room, and even redo it again.
"What time is it?" He asked rubbing his forehead. "About 2:44 A.M." I respond. "Are you all packed up?" I asked. "It was just my duffel bag, not an entire room." He joked. I laughed and laid down. "Tomorrow. Shower, pack up the sheets, drop off the stuff, say goodbyes, and then I am all yours." I reminded him of the schedule even though he already knew. It was just my way of being organized and have everything going according to plan.
My eyes fluttered, sending signals throughout my body that it was time to shut down. "Goodnight." Spencer says while kissing me. "Goodnight." I reply getting on my side in a 'little spoon' position.
I yawned and woke up exactly at 6:30. I gently got up trying to not wake him up. I walked to the bathroom and turned the shower on.
The hot water hit my skin, a well deserved shower too. I heard a knock on the door. I poked my head out separating my neck and the rest of my body. "Come in." I hollered. It was Spencer. "May I join you?" He asked while shutting the door. "Alright, no funny business though." I said while raising my brow. He chuckled and hopped in. "Jeez! How hot is this?" He exclaimed. "All the way up? I don't know." I replied. "You know hot water can cause damage to skin-" "Yeah yeah whatever." I cut him off laughing.

I had gotten out before him to dry off. "So do you want to leave around.. 7?" I asked. "7 sounds good." He replied while turning the shower off.
I scrambled around the bathroom looking for absolutely nothing. I felt skittish.
I closed the door behind me and walked towards my now empty room. I got dressed and put the last bit of clothes in a suitcase. I looked around the room, I tried to take in a sense. I'm sure some other surgeon that's an intern will move into this exact room. "For the better." I thought.
"Are you sure you want this?" Spencer asked behind me. "It'll be a good change for me." I replied while folding the sheets. He muttered to himself and got dressed.
"Are you wearing a hoodie?" I snickered. "Yes I am. I don't always wear suits and ties you know." He said annoyed.
He looked around the room with me. "Do you think most of this is going to fit in the back of my car?" I asked. "Most of it probably." He replied. "There won't be enough room for the donations and my personal boxes and bags." I said. "Couldn't Meredith drop it off for you?" Spencer suggested. I scoffed in disbelief that I didn't think of the only logical solution. "Yeah I'll ask." I pushed my lips together. "Alright pick one up." I said while lifting a bag and box. I opened the door with my only available hand and guided my way downstairs.
Eventually all of it came down. Spencer and I went to the kitchen. "Leaving already?" Derek asked while pouring coffee. "Yep. I'm dreading this drive." I said while giving him a hug. "I would too." Meredith smiled. "Can you tell everyone at the hospital goodbye for me, and that I'll visit as much as possible." I asked while hugging her tightly. "Of course." She said.
"Also do you mind taking the donations to Goodwill or something for me?" I asked again. "Of course lex! You're my kid sister, I want to help you as much as I can." She said while hugging me again. Spencer and Derek shook hands.
"Bye!" I hollered from out the door.
Spencer opened the door for me and then returned to his spot in the drivers seat. He pulled out of the drive way and we started our way to our new forever home. "I'm sorry for making you drive this." I muttered to him. "It's understandable, usually after bad accidents the victim usually takes precautions and uses opposite travel method." Spencer spoke softly at a red light.
I nodded and chuckled to myself. "How about.. some music?" I said while tuning the radio stations. I landed on one where a song called Pop Muzik was playing.
Pop, pop, pop muzik,
Pop, pop,  pop muzik, 
Get down
Pop, pop, pop muzik

Spencer's eyes widened at the beat. "What even is this?" He chuckled. "Actual music with words, not Beethoven!" I laughed.
Later in the song I noticed he started hopping his head to it. He started mouthing the words and smiled.
We had been driving for 3 hours out of the 42 hours.
"Hey lex.." Spencer said while keeping his eyes on the road. "Yeah?" I asked confused. "I want you to meet my mom." He said subtly. "Your mom?" I smiled. "Yeah, why not? I mean you're one of the most special people in my life and I want you to meet her." He smiled.
"I'd love too." I said quickly.
It must've been a big deal to him, I knew I would meet her eventually but not this quick. I would love for him to meet my father but, that wouldn't end well. At this point I didn't care for Thatcher, I didn't care enough to call him dad. If my mother was still alive, she would've been proud I found someone who was just like me and understood me.
His smile lasted longer than I thought it would've.
I could tell this was a big deal for him and it made him feel happy.

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