Chapter 12: The Team

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*this chapter is told in 3rd person pov*

Lexie blinked her eyes once she woke up. The gray clouds surrounded the windows, reminding her of Seattle.
The one thing about Seattle that would've kept her there in Seattle would be Spencer. After the crash she had realized how much she loved him.
"Good morning." Spencer said softly. "You weren't watching me sleep, were you?" Lexie said while looking up to his eyes. "Just a little bit, you looked so peaceful."
Lexie laughed at the corniness of their relationship. It was like the books she's read or the movies she's watched.
"Rossi messaged me the time this morning, 4:30 p.m. I'm guessing JJ and Hotch are bringing their kids." Spencer said while pulling his corner of the sheet into the bed. "Oh, I'm meeting their kids too?" Lexie chuckled. "I suppose so, did I ever mention I'm Henry's godfather?" Spencer said enthusiastically.
"Henry is JJ's son right?" Lexie asked while grabbing her shirt from the closet.
Spencer nodded his head. "Just so you know now, it'll probably be extremely awkward." "I figured."Spencer sighed. "It'll be fun though right?" Lexie reassured him.
Spencer twitched a smile. Lexie looked around the room for a second. "Is that a keyboard?" She laughed to herself. "Actually it's an electric piano keyboard, I got it the idea of one from a kid from a case. I didn't get to play it for a while though." Spencer rambled. Lexie nodded along and walked to the kitchen. "I'll make breakfast." She said while opening the fridge. Once she opened the door, the only thing was leftover Chinese food and coffee energy drinks. "Spencer." Lexie groaned. Spencer walked into the kitchen to her scanning the fridge. "Do you live off Chinese food and coffee?" Lexie scoffed. "Pretty much. Remember I used to live alone, not in a surgical frat house."
"Good point. But there is actual food in that fridge." Lexie laughed while closing it. "How about we go grocery shopping?" Lexie suggested.
After a few hours of walking around the store seamlessly, it had almost been time for dinner at Rossi's house.
Lexie has started stressing over it, it wasn't that big of a deal, yet it was. They would know she was anxious. Lexie was about to be in a room full of federal agents who study people's actions for a living.
"They're going to love you." Spencer whispered behind Lexie's ear. "What if they don't? They're obviously important to you and I wouldn't ever want you to choose between them and me." Lexie said unsure. "It'll be fine." Spencer reassured once again.

Their car had pulled into the driveway of David Rossi's house. "Jeez." Lexie said while eyeing the large mansion in front of her eyes.
Spencer and Lexie exit the car and walk towards the front door, Spencer doesn't even knock. They both just walked in. "Ah Reid." Rossi said to Spencer a big smile. "Ciao Bella." Rossi smiled towards Lexie. "Everyone is in the kitchen." Rossi said while walking the two of them to the kitchen. The chatter got louder and they soon entered. Lexie was a bit hesitant at first. They all stopped and stared at her. "Everyone, this is Lexie. My girlfriend." Spencer said proudly while putting his arm around her waist. Lexie flashed a smile and waved her hand in a "hi" motion. Penelope grinned. Spencer pulled the chair out for Lexie before sitting in his own.
After a few minutes of chatter around the table, Lexie had gotten comfortable around them.
"So how'd you meet?" Rossi asked. "At the hospital in Seattle actually." Spencer said while taking a bit of pasta. Emily and JJ looked at each other and smiled. "Hey what are you smiling about?" Derek asked. "Well.. the day we left, Lexie came running to us asking where pretty boy was." JJ chuckled. Penelope gasped. "You two knew boy wonder had a girlfriend and said nothing?!" Lexie laughed. "We weren't really dating at that time." "No we were just confessing our love to each other in the rain." Spencer joked. Almost everyone's mouth dropped. "Seriously?" Prentiss asked. Lexie laughed and nodded her head. "Wow. I can't believe you didn't tell us kid." Rossi said while pretending to be offended. Spencer shrugged.
Hotch had sat there quietly and smiled every once and a while at the comments.
The rest of the dinner had gone smoothly, Lexie bonded with everyone.
Lexie had followed the team outside to sit around the bonfire. Hotch had pulled Spencer aside before stepping out.
"Look, I know you don't want to do this but you have too." Hotch said to Spencer. "She can't keep doing this to me Hotch. I'm finally happy." Spencer protested. "Reid. You know Cat always does something when she's around you. She always slips up with you. I hate to talk about this, especially tonight of all nights." "This is the last time?" Spencer asked. "Last time it'll ever happen." Hotch assured. "Okay." Spencer said softly before walking outside.
Spencer had sat next to Lexie and sighed. "What's wrong?" Lexie whispered. "I'll explain it later, okay?" Spencer spoke.
Spencer had gotten up and stood in front of Lexie.

Lexie looked at him confused while the rest of the team stopped talking and looked at the both of them.
Spencer had kneeled on one knee and dug into his pocket. He pulled a small box and presented it in front of Lexie. She gasped when she saw the diamond ring in front of her. "Spence.." Lexie whispered. "I met you almost a year ago, after 3 days of knowing you; I had realized you were the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. You're everything I am, you complete me in every single way and I love you so much for that. Alexandra Caroline Grey, will you marry me?" Spencer spoke softly.
Lexie nodded her head while tears rolled down her cheek. "Yes!" She said exclaimed while pulling him into a hug.
He pulled her into a kiss, this kiss was different from the many others, this kiss was more passionate and completed. Once their lips parted, Spencer slid the ring onto her finger. The team clapped and smiled. "Girl let me see the ring!" Garcia laughed. Lexie chuckled and displayed her hand in front of everyone. "Congratulations kid." Rossi said while patting Spencer's back. Lexie smiled at Spencer.

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