Chapter 6: Soaring lights

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My eyes fluttered open, it was blurry. Half of my body felt sore and my legs were numb. "Derek! Lexie!" Meredith screamed.
I lifted my head as high as I could without hitting it, I saw that my legs and pelvis were stuck underneath a piece of the plane. My eyes felt heavy, I felt no other choice than to shut them.
"Where's my shoe?!" Cristina wailed. Arizona was screaming intensely. Derek was no where to be found.. I couldn't hear Mark. "Meredith.." I mumbled. Cristina had run towards me. "Oh my god! Lexie!" She yelled as she was kneeling." "I can't feel my body." "Lexie, Lexie stay awake." Cristina commanded. "I'm going to get Meredith. Okay? Stay awake." Cristina said before running off.
Meredith had come running over. "Meredith, Meredith tell Spencer that I love him. Tell my dad I love him, you're the best sister I could've ever had.." I said while a heavy breath. "You're not dying Lexie. No one is saying goodbye!" Meredith cried. "Cris-Cristina help me lift this." Meredith and Cristina struggled to tip the large piece of metal covering my body.
"Hold on Lexie. Hold on." Meredith strained. The adrenaline kicked into my body. My frontal lobe was ignoring the pain. Cristina and Meredith managed to get it off of me. I took a deep breath. "My legs, my legs are broken." I struggled to say. I had to grab onto their shoulders to be carried to the site. "Stay here, I'm going to look for Derek." Meredith said before running off to find Derek. "Where's Mark?" I asked. "We don't know, I couldn't find him." Cristina confessed. Cristina started looking around. "I found it!" Cristina laughed holding up her shoe. "Arizona, are you okay?" I asked turning around. "I'm fine! You should keep your body still!" She called out. "Is the pilot dead?" I asked Cristina. She nodded her head in shame. "Oh god." I cried.
Meredith came back with Derek slung on his shoulder, his hand looked mutilated, Meredith propped Derek next to me. "Did you find Mark?" Meredith asked. Cristina shook her head no. Derek groaned with pain. I didn't know what was going to happen to us, if we were to be found. The pilot was dead, Mark was missing, night had already fallen.
That's when it dark...
I awoke in a hospital bed. I sat up forcefully and looked around. "Hey, hey lay down." Spencer said softly. He kissed my forehead and smiled. "Their not gone, are they?" I asked. "Your legs?" He questioned. I nodded my head. "There's a few fractures and breaks." He said. I sighed with relief. Spencer's hair got gotten longer, his chin had gotten scruffy. "Is everyone else okay?" I asked with fear. "They found the other doctor, he had been be a stream, bite marks from wolves, and wood pieces in his body." Spencer said upset. I'm sure he had figured Mark and I's past more then what I had told him. "I'm so sorry for your loss." He said sympathetic. I managed to move my body slightly to left. "Lay with me, please." I begged.
Spencer gently laid next to me and started stroking my hair. My sobs were quiet, my heart ached. Mark and I were old history, but he was such an amazing person. I felt bad for Sofia, Callie, and even Julia. "Are you okay?" Spencer asked concerned. I nodded my head and buried my head into his chest.
"Promise me, promise me you'll never die on me." I whispered. "Alexandra Caroline Grey, I don't plan on ever leaving you in any sort of way."
I smiled at him.

A/N: So I've never really written something so emotional like this, so let me know what you think! I'm thinking of ending this story *maybe* at chapter 10. I haven't really had the energy for this since a lot of it's been done before,I do have a new story in the works though with more Spencer Reid ;)

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