Chapter 5: I'm Sorry

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It had been a few minutes since I last seen Spencer, he leaves me love-struck every time. Today I was doing paperwork and sutures in the clinic. Boring but it was probably the best for me. Hours went a faster and soon it was 5 pm, my shift was over and Spencer and I were going to dinner to talk about what'll happen for us.
I changed and took the elevator to the 1st floor. There was Spencer, standing in a dark blue suit, hair tousled, a crooked smile. "Ready?" I asked walking to him. "Ready."
We walked to my car and drove to the restaurant, surprisingly the conversation wasn't awkward and just about work. We both were avoiding this as much as we could considering what'll happen when we do talk about it. "The day went by fast today." I spoke to make small talk. "It did, the earth's axis has-" "Been rotating faster, making the days shorter due to it getting colder." I cut him off. He did his half smile. "I must've forgotten you were just as smart as me." He joked. I grinned and parked the car.
"Reservation for Reid." Spencer told the hostess. "Okay, follow me." The hostess said while taking us to a booth. She handed our menus before walking away.
"You look beautiful." He smiled. "You look very handsome too, Dr. Reid." I returned the compliment. "I do have to tell you something." I admitted. He looked up and his eyes stared right into mine. "The day after you leave, I'm going on a work trip to Boise, I won't really be able to talk to you considering we're performing surgery on conjoined twins." I spoke softly. "It's fine, I understand. I have to go to Manhattan after I leave. A day maybe to go over the case before getting on the jet." Spencer sighed. "Oh thank god! Never thought I'd say this but I'm glad we are both working." I said with relief. "So am I, this will make it so much easier." He replied.
Soon dinner was over, Spencer went back to the house with me. If we were to have a future here, I'd have to get an apartment. By the time we got home it was 9, we were both too tired to even think about sex. I fell asleep in his arms once again, he had my heart in so many ways.
Morning had risen. Which meant I wouldn't see Spencer in person for at least a month. When I woke up he was gone but he texted me
Spencer: I apologize I had to leave earlier, we were called to the station to go over the recent case. I'll see you later today.
I sighed as I read his text. I miss him already but I know he's still here. Driving to work was weird, usually Spence had been in my front seat talking about anything really.
Thankfully Bailey had put me in the clinic today again. It's hard to think about helping someone whilst I'm in need of help, as tacky as it is. I saw two women by the "Unsubs" room, it had seem empty. I walked over and took a subtle look. "Was he transferred?" I asked. "Yes, our team thanks you and the hospital for the help." The brunette woman spoke. "I- um, do you know where I can find Dr. Reid?" I asked again. "He should be in the lobby." The blonde woman replied. "Thank you agents!" I said with glee before dashing off. "Is that the girl?" The brunette whispered. "Most likely, not every day someone asks for Reid, usually Morgan." The blonde joked.
I reached the lobby as fast as I could but he wasn't there. I scanned the room before I saw him walking in the rain to the team's car. "Spencer!" I called out. "Hey!" I yelled. "What's the matter?" He asked concerned. "Are you really leaving without saying goodbye at least?!" I spoke angrily. "I wanted to say goodbye.. I just couldn't find you. I looked everywhere and you weren't there." He sighed. "I love you." I said unconsciously. His confused face lingered on me for a second. "Oh, G- oh my god. That just came fly-flying out of my face. Like it was s-s-some kind of.. I love you. God I did it again! I-I love you, I have been trying not to say it because I've only known you not even half a week." I stuttered. Spencer open his mouth to speak. "It's- It's like you're a heart disease. It's like I am infected by Spencer Reid. And it's just like I can't think about anything or anybody, and I can't really sleep, I can't breathe, I can't eat without thinking if you're okay. I love you! Okay I said it!" My words were becoming choked. The soft rain patter made it even more dramatic. "I love you." Spencer whispered. He pulled my into a hug, our wet clothes clung, water dripped down our faces.
I pushed away for a second. He caressed my chin before pulling me into him. His hands dangled in my hair, our mouths never parted. He left me breathless and pulled away. "Goodbye Lexie Grey, I promise I will see you again." Spencer said before getting into the vehicle. I watched as the car drove away, the rain had softened. "Until again."
Monday came, Spencer was gone. My heart hurt much more than it should have. Today we were flying out for a surgery on conjoined twins, "The Dream Team" they called us. I stood there looking outside the window before boarding. "Are you alright Lexie?" Derek said while Meredith caught up. "I'm fine, just a little out of it today. "If this surgery doesn't make you feel better then I don't know what to tell you." Meredith laughed. "Yeah little grey! This is your first major surgery." Cristina said with sass. I laughed and went to my seat. I felt at ease for a moment.

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