Chapter 17: The Grand Love Story

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*8 months later*
A majority of my pregnancy had passed through, Spencer was along my side every single time I needed him.
A few weeks after I told him, we bought a house. It wasn't a hard decision to make at all.
Once we told Penelope, she went crazy and bought tons of clothes, we didn't even know the gender when we told her.
We eventually did find out it was a girl, that's when her shopping went overboard.
When I think about my life, everything I've seen and done. I feel so much happiness to be able to say that I found the love of my life and that I now have a family with him while doing what I loved.
Penelope and I had decided to go to lunch today, even though I was suppose to stay on bed-rest. Spencer wasn't home to lecture me and tell me all these "horror" stories of women who's water broke while being out. I thought it was funny personally. Penelope had texted me once she pulled into our driveway. "Hey prego!" She laughed. I got into her front seat. "Tired." I yawned. "Spencer was reading all night." I said while buckling my seatbelt. "What was boy wonder reading this time?" She asked while driving. "Pregnancy books. I think he read all 6 at least twice. He's definitely panicking about it." I yawned again. She giggled. "That's Spence for you." She replied. I chuckled to myself.
I looked down at my stomach. I couldn't even see my thighs with this watermelon belly of mine.
"Ooh! We're here!" Penelope pulled into the parking lot. "What exactly is this?" I asked before walking in. "Spicy foods or sweet. Kind of like Chinese." She shrugged.
I looked at the menu, examining the foods listed. "You know I hate being pregnant." I complained looking at the menu. "Why?"
"I can't eat most of this stuff without feeling sick or I can't any of the spicer food since it'll make me go into labor faster." I explained. "Really?" She said while putting her menu down. I nodded. "I overheard my lovely husband read that paragraph 3 times." I rolled my eyes. Penelope laughed. I decided on the fruit bowl.
After the waitress took our order, it took 30 minutes. "Wow this is taking longer than it should be." Penelope said while looking around. "Who knew it took half an hour to make a fruit bowl and noodles." I fluttered.
The day went on, Penelope and I went shopping for the baby like she had planned for us.
I stopped for a second before entering the store. "You okay?" She asked concerned. I took a heavy breath. "Yeah I'm fine." I said. Immediately after my sentence, I felt a liquid running down my leg. "Oh my gosh! Lexie!" Garcia said while opening her eyes wide. I stood there for a second. I didn't feel anything wrong or cramps but it must've been time. "We have to go to my house so I can grab my bag and change my pants." I said calmly. "I'm not a doctor, and you are one! Plus I don't even play one on tv. But you are having your baby, there's no time for that!" She panicked while running towards me. "It's fine. In my first few months as a intern, I helped with baby deliveries." I explained, waddling to the car. Penelope's eyes were full of disbelief at my calmness. I put my jacket down on the seat and buckled up. "You know when JJ was pregnant with JJ she was weirdly calm too." Penelope rambled. "Every woman is different, I'm simply calm because I've seen and dealt with many things like this." I shrugged. "Call Spencer!" She reminded.
Spencer: Hello?
Lexie: Hey! So um I think my water just broke.
Spencer: Oh Lexie! I- um d-do you need me to go by the house and get something?
Lexie: Penelope is already taking me, just get to the hospital Spence.
Spencer: Lexie I really think you shouldn't be this active and should be focusing.
Lexie: As much as I love you, don't worry about it just yet, we're pulling into the house now. Bye.

"Jeez woman." Penelope gasped. "I'll be a minute." I said while getting out.
I quickly waddled toward my door, pushing the key into the door. I shut the door and went to the bedroom to put on some sweatpants. I changed and grabbed the bag that had been sitting next to the dresser for days. I waddled back out and locked the door. Once I got into the car, Penelope started speeding. "You know you can slow down right?" I smirked. "Obviously! I just got a very thoughtful text from Spencer." She said nervously. "What it say?" I asked intrigued. "I'm not afraid of a pipe cleaner with eyes, but I am afraid of the guy who went to prison and his wife is about to have a baby." Garcia chuckled. Penelope continued to speed. "Go to the hospital I work at." I commanded finally starting to feel the pain.
Penelope rushed me into the room. "Dr. Reid?" An intern said startled by my presence. "Get her into a room!" Garcia snarled. I blinked my eyes at her aggression. Never had I seen this woman be rude.
"I'll fill the paperwork in the room." I responded.
The intern scrambled around. "Uh we have room 43 available." The intern looked up. I gestured my hand in a "hurry up" position.
After about 20 minutes of paperwork and arguing we got into the room. I was able to change into a paper gown and get settled into the bed. Everything was fine, until I started feeling contractions.
"Get me Dr. Higgins." I practically screamed.
Kate rushed in the room. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" Kate asked worries. "Get me Erica. Call my husband and get this baby out of me!" I cried. Kate practically ran with Erica.
She checked my body around.
"Lexie, you're 10 centimeters. You're about to become a mom." Erica smiled.
Spencer had just rushed into the room, breathless. "Did I miss it?" He asked out of breath. "It's time." She smiled to him.
Spencer grabbed my hand. They wheeled my bed into the delivery room.
Spender held my hand through it all, I might have fractured his hand with how hard I gripped onto it.
Exactly  5 minutes, 14 seconds after I was told to start pushing, my daughter was born.
Spencer and I had decided on the name Diana Grey Reid, after his mother and my maiden name.
Once I was put back into a room and was able to hold her, Spencer's team had visited. Meredith and Derek would come in a few weeks to meet her too.
Each of them took their turns holding her with smiles, but I think Spencer had the biggest smile out of all of us.
When they left, Spencer had scooted next to me into the bed.
I held our newborn daughter in my arms, Spencer had his arm around me. I cradled her while Spencer supported her head. I looked into his eyes with a smile, he reached into me. Kissing me passionately for a split second. I rested my forehead against his and brought our daughter closer into us. I smiled at the two sites before me. The man I was so ever in love with and our daughter. Never would I have ever thought that the guy in the bar, would be the man I love so much.. everything in my life never really had a purpose, until now; I planned on spending the rest of my days with Spencer Reid.

The end

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