Chapter 8: Almost there

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I stared into the ceiling. My heartbeat has synced with Spencer's. I laid on his bare chest smiling.
"So Quantico?" I asked. "Yes, I was thinking we could apply for a mortgage on a house, my apartment would be temporary." He replied. "That'd be a good idea, but we'd still be apart." I objected. "We still have home cases." He reminded. "The murder rate in Virginia is 14.7 incidents per 100k residents. Not many BAU cases are in the area." Spencer sighed. I frowned. "We'll figure it out, okay?" He spoke softly. "Okay." I nodded.
I shook off my frown. It shouldn't be this hard. Especially when I still will be with him.
"There is another option though, you could always join the BAU.." Spencer suggested. "Me? A federal agent?" I laughed. "Sorry pretty boy, but being a surgeon is a lot more fun, and less dangerous." I snickered. "Who told you that was my nickname?" He asked fearful. "I overheard some women making fun of you." I smiled. "A blonde and brunette?" He asked. I laughed and nodded. He closed his eyes and groaned. "And I'll never forget it too." I smiled again.
He playful pushed me off his chest causing me to fall off my bed.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry, Lexie I didn-" he stuttered. I laughed. "You're so cute; when you get all worked up." At this point tears of happiness were coming out. He looked away, I could tell he was laughing.
"I can't wait until you come home with me." He chuckled. "You and me both." I said while getting up. We walked downstairs while talking about we were going to do once I moved there. "You're here for another day, right?" I asked while pouring coffee. "Yeah." He agreed. "I'd have to leave next week then, I'm pretty sure the hospital won't give me one final day." I rolled my eyes. "What do you mean leave?" Meredith asked with Zola on her hip. "I'm moving to Virginia." I spoke. "Really? Oh I'm so happy for you!" Meredith laughed. "You aren't flying though, right?" Meredith asked concerned. "Um no, I offered to drive her." Spencer interrupted. "Okay good, I don't feel comfortable with you flying lex." Meredith hugged me. "I don't either." I sighed.
"Well I'm going to run, stuck with the interns today." Meredith dragged. "Bye." I hugged her. "So what are you doing to do today?" I asked while pouring coffee.
"I was hoping to spend the day with you. Since I am technically a doctor." He smiled. "You could but the only medical education you have is the facts you've acquired over the years." I laughed.
"Okay well, you could do me a favor and start help packing for me." I suggested. "I haves tons of patients and me taking so much time off doesn't help, especially when I'm leaving." I groaned while tying up my hair. Spencer looked unsure of staying here while I was gone. "Don't worry, everyone who lives here is at the hospital." I reminded. He nodded. "Everything?" He asked. "Most of it." I said clearly. "Are you sure? Because I don't know what you'd want out and what you'd want pack." He mumbled. I laughed and gave him a hug before going downstairs. "Have fun!" I called out before opening the front door."
I started driving to work thinking about everything. It's been changing so fast, changing for the better.
"Hey lex." A nurse said. I waved to her and walked to my patients room. "Hello Dr. Grey." The patient said. "Good morning Ana." I said while checking her blood pressure. I looked over at her stats. "It looks like your recovering well, remember if the tumor comes back," "Page you and Dr. Shepherd. I heard it all before." Ana laughed. "I'm afraid you'll only be paging Dr. Shepherd." I corrected. "How come?" She asked. "I'm moving to Virginia." I replied. "Oh please tell me it's not for a guy." She blinked. I chuckled to myself while writing down her stats. "I'm afraid so, but I think this one is serious." I whispered. She laughed. "I'll be back in a bit to check up." I told her before walking out. I never realized that it was so sudden like that, moving to Virginia with Spencer. Our relationship had descended fast after all, I wouldn't regret this, would I?

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