Getting Fruity on a Friday Night: Act 1

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"Skidee beep boop be," Boyfriend said to himself, determined to fight for the kiss he longed for. Every week was a new challenge, and he made sure to face them head-on.

Girlfriend's father, Daddy Dearest, thought that his musical background could take him down. It was a good attempt at best, but he nonchalantly smoothed her father over.

Skid and Pump posed a more serious threat, but it was nothing major. "Be bop... skidee! ski be boop bop beep bop," Boyfriend chuckled as he recalled those two rascals. Although they were challengers at the moment, they soon turned into friends for life.

Today was no different from the rest. It was another battle and this time against a guy named Pico. Boyfriend paid no mind as he thought of Boku no Pico, and continued to practice.

He wasn't good right off the bat, he had trained his vocals so much that all he could produce were the pure sounds of music. "Skee skee be bop, boop be be skoo skidoo bop beep," He pondered at the thought of his new challenger. What did he want? Does he want to steal his girlfriend from him? The more Boyfriend thought, the more anger built up inside him.

He had concluded that Pico was out for his lover and that he would do anything to get her. Well, as long as Boyfriend was aware, no one was getting to his girl without going through him first.

The time that they had agreed on had come around, and Boyfriend put his cap on and set out with his girlfriend. "Good! Good! Great! Nice!" Girlfriend said, and her encouraging words shot right through Boyfriend's heart.

In the middle of going to the train station, the agreed spot to meet, Boyfriend reached out to Girlfriend's hand and pulled her in. Her face went bright red as she stared into his black pupils. "Good? G-great?" She was flustered, stuttering and stumbling on her words.

"Skidoo be boop be," Boyfriend sighed. He had to treasure her if he wanted to keep her for the rest of his life. He squeezed her tight and let her go.

"N-nice..." Girlfriend laughed nervously. They both knew that once they had overcome all the challenges ahead of them, they could finally be together with their mind and body.

It was evening, and they had set up the speaker and mics for battle. A few minutes had passed, and they heard the footsteps of someone approaching them. Boyfriend looked up, prepared for whatever was going to be thrown at him. He grabbed the mic and took a deep breath. As he was about to speak into it, his eyes met with those of Pico.

He froze for a second. He felt a little spark inside him go off inside him as he looked at Pico, like the kind of spark you get when you make eye contact with your crush. Boyfriend didn't know what to say, all he had thought up had washed away with one look at this charming individual. His orange hair, his smirk as he looked Boyfriend up and down, the way his hand grasped firmly on a gun. Wait, a gun?!

"Aou ee oh ah ah?" He said, his deep voice ringing in Boyfriend's ears.  Of course, he was ready, so why did his mind blank out? He shook his head and replied.

"S-ski beep bop boop!" Damn it, he stuttered. Pico picked up the mic on the side and lightly breathed onto it. the sound of his husky breath made its way to the speaker and Boyfriend. He could feel himself shiver at the thought of Pico getting up close and breathing into his ear. Beep! Boyfriend had caught himself slipping. His girlfriend was right beside him, he couldn't be thinking of such things.

Without second thoughts, both stood ready to beatbox for their own reasons. Thus, the music battle began.

 Thus, the music battle began

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